destiny (2)

The Miracle Is Worth The Wait

« The Miracle Is Worth The Wait » was the 2nd song written for the « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project, and was completed on January 8, 2013.

The inspiration for this opus came from conversations held with David, a somewhat peculiar fellow with whom I was sharing living spaces earlier this year. To the best of my memory, the first words he ever spoke to me were « I can guarantee world peace. » Obviously, the statement got my attention and I just had to know more about him. I eventually lear

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When he was nine years old, Garuvel Nep Zing discoveredthat he could disappear. He was sitting in a white gazebo on the family estate.It was hidden by tall thin evergreens to the rear of the Great House, at the end of a long sloping lawn. Garuvel treasured this spot for its remoteness from the prying eyes of his family and the family’s servants. Little finches nested in the stately spires, and Garuvel watched them land and disappear twittering inside the moistaromatic branches. Occasionally he a
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