power (3)

To have an attitude of power is to be free from physical pain.Expression: When there is a problem in the body, there is naturally pain experienced. The one who is caught up with the pain is not able to take the mind beyond it. Such a person usually continues to describe the pain and tends to focus on it more and more. So there is inability to use the power of the mind to relieve oneself from the pain.Experience: When there is the ability to make the mind strong even when there is a problem in th
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Mantra Chanting

Taking Mantra from books and start chanting cannot be affective and itis worthless and waiting your valuable time, because books itselfcannot say its techniques and sound. Since, mantra is the main mediumto have blessing from Gods and the Gods and the Goddess arereside in mantra.So without knowing its actual techniques no one evencan feel its affect either good or bad. So technique is the "Tantra"through which one can fullfil his desire but to know the authentictantra only a real Sadguru can gui
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When he was nine years old, Garuvel Nep Zing discoveredthat he could disappear. He was sitting in a white gazebo on the family estate.It was hidden by tall thin evergreens to the rear of the Great House, at the end of a long sloping lawn. Garuvel treasured this spot for its remoteness from the prying eyes of his family and the family’s servants. Little finches nested in the stately spires, and Garuvel watched them land and disappear twittering inside the moistaromatic branches. Occasionally he a
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