namaskar (3)

WARMING THE STOVE OF BODY BY SUNSALUTATION”The Sanskrit name Surya here refers to the Sun and Namaskar means salutation. The sun provides life force to the whole creation. And the Sun symbolizes spiritual consciousness and, in the ancient times, was worshipped on the daily basis. In yoga, PINGLA NADI represents sun and moon represents IDA NADI.Sun salutation is a complete physical and Spiritual practice in itself for it includes asana, pranayama, mantra and meditation. All the 12 postures involv
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To develop muscle strength, you can practice the following Yoga exercises once or twice a week before the classical Asanas. Good muscle strength is a good antidote against back problems, neck problems and all kinds of joint problems. Good muscle strength develops self confidence and courage.

Surya Namaskar for muscle strength: Navasana Variations for developing the abdominal muscles:
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