pranayama (190)

All about Anxiety Disorder

Feeling anxious is not something out of order, it is a normal emotion. Thus, having anxiety is not a big deal but anxiety disorder is.

Many people do not know the difference between anxiety and anxiety disorder. A lot thinks that anxiety disorder is as inconsequential as anxiety, and several others think of anxiety as a mental disorder. See! So much perplexity. Woof!
Today we are going to tell you all about anxiety disorder which should be known by everyone. Furthermore, we shall also discuss how

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Surrender to the Lord

Surrender all actions unto the Lord. Fix your mind on Him. Free yourself from egoism, attachment, desire. No action will bind you. Actions are burnt by the fire of Wisdom. Such actions are no longer actions at all. You will attain the Supreme Abode of everlasting bliss and peace.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Become a Silent Witness

Think and feel that Prakriti or Svabhava or Guna does everything. Identify yourself with the Actionless Atman, the Silent Witness and thus free yourself from the bondage of action

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead you to the Absolute.

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Selfless Service

Selfless actions will purify your heart and lead to the attainment of wisdom of the Self.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Do not identify

Do actions without the idea of agency, without expectation of fruits, without attachment to the actions themselves, balanced in success and failure. You will not be bound by actions.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Be Bold

Stand up. Have mastery over the senses. Be devoted to Atman. Destroy all doubts through Satsanga , study, enquiry, meditation and wisdom.

Swami Sivananda

Taken from Amrita Gita, by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, 1887-1963. Copyright Divine Life Society, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh. More Informations: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video, Books by Swami Sivananda

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Keep the senses from attraction and repulsion. Attain mastery over the senses. Discipline the senses and the mind. You will not be affected now even if you move among sense-objects.
He who is free from desires, cravings, attachment, egoism, and mine-ness, attains the Peace of the Eternal.


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes fro

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He who has destroyed desire is really a harmonised, peaceful and happy man. Desire is insatiable. It is born of Rajas or passion. It is born of ignorance. It is an enemy of peace, wisdom and devotion. Master first the senses and then slay this desire which abides in the senses, the mind and intellect, ruthlessly through enquiry, discrimination, dispassion, devotion and meditation

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and

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See the Lord in everybodya

The Lord is seated equally in all beings. He is imperishable. He is the Supervisor, Supporter, Enjoyer. He who thus seeth, he really seeth.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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See the Lord everywhere

Behold the Lord in the effulgence of the sun, in the fragrance of flowers, in the brilliance of fire, in the sapidity of water, in the birds, beasts, in the air, ether, in the mind, intellect, in the heart, in the sound, in music.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Faith and Self Realisation

Have faith in your own Self, in the existence of Brahman, in the teachings of your Preceptor, in the sacred Scriptures. Then alone can you attain Self-realisation.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Sin is only a mistake. Knowledge of Self will burn all sins. The Name of the Lord will destroy all sins. Therefore, repeat His Name and attain Wisdom of Atman

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead you to the Absolute.

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Give the mind to the Lord and the hands for the service of humanity. Always think of Lord only. You will soon attain God -realisation easily.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Serve your Guru . Be devoted to your Guru . Obey him. Have implicit faith in his teachings. You will grow in spirituality. The veil will be torn down. You will attain Self-realisation.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Do your Duty

Constantly do your duty without attachment. Your heart will be purified. You will attain immortal bliss.


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes from Amrita Gita copyright The Divine Life Society

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If you want to attain immortality, go beyond the pairs of opposites. Endure bravely heat and cold, pain and sorrow, loss and failure, censure and dishonour. You will attain equanimity of mind, peace and poise. If you are balanced in pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat, sin will not touch thee; you will not be affected by the fruits of your actions

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practica

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Subdue the lower self by the Higher Self. Annihilate all desires. Slay egoism. Destroy all attachments. Meditate and rest peacefully in your own Innermost Atman, which is Existence, Consciousness and Bliss Absolute.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Sensual pleasure is the womb of pain. The cause for pain is absence of pleasure. Sensual pleasure is imaginary, illusory, fleeting and tantalising. Abandon sensual pleasure and rejoice in the Eternal Bliss of Atman.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Top Benefits of regular practice of Pranayama

There are enormous health benefits of Pranayama. As we know pranayama is a breathing exercise which expand the Prana energy (Life Driven force) in our body. If you practice pranayama on regular basis then you can notice following pranayama benefits on your body, mind and Soul level.

Benefits of Pranayama:-

Pranayama benefits on your body:-

  • Improve immune system of your body
  • Improve texture and glow on your skin
  • Reduce sleep requirement of your body
  • High energy and motivation in life
  • Better digestion an
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