yOGA (552)

The Path of Kundalini Shakti

Kundalini Sakti passes through the Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna Chakras and finally enters the Sahasrara at the crown of the head. The Yogi attains different Siddhis at each Chakra and experiences Ananda or bliss in various degrees.


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes from Amrita Gita copyright Th

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Rejoice in the Atman

Rejoice in the Atman. Be satisfied in the Atman. Be contented in the Atman. Rest in Atman. Root yourself in Atman. All your desires will be gratified. Your heart will be filled with the Self.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Practice and realize

The glory of the Name of God cannot be established through reasoning and intellect. It can certainly be experienced or realised, only through devotion, faith and constant repetition.
Swami Sivananda



By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Kundalini and Sushumna

Kundalini, when awakened will pass through Sushumna Nadi which passes through the spinal column. Sushumna Nadi extends from Muladhara Chakra to Brahmarandra or crown of the head. When Prana flows through both nostrils, then Sushumna Nadi is activated. You will have wonderful concentration and meditation. You can change the flow of breath in Ida and Pingala Nadis through concentration on the left and right nostril, through Khechari Mudra, etc

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divi

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Purity of Heart

He who has Chitta-suddhi or purity of heart will be benefited by the awakening of Kundalini Sakti. He who is addicted to sensual pleasures, who is arrogant, proud, dishonest, untruthful, who disrespects the Guru , Sadhus and Saints can never attain success in Kundalini Yoga.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Kanda and Nadis

Kanda is situated between the anus and the root of the reproductive organ. It is like the shape of an egg. It is the centre of the astral body. The Yoga-Nadis spring from Kanda. Nadis are the astral tubes made up of astral matter. They carry Pranic currents. There are  72,000 Nadis. Of these, three are most important. They are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who

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Mantra and its Meaning

Mantras are in the form of praise and appeal to the deities, craving for help and mercy. Some Mantras control and command the evil spirits. Rhythmical vibrations of sound give rise to forms. Recitation of the Mantras gives rise to the formation of the particular figure of the deity


From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead you to the Absolute.

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A Raja Yogi practises Samyama or the combined practice of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi at one and the same time and gets detailed knowledge of an object.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Effects of Mantra Repetition

By constant repetition of the Mantra the Sadhaka imbibes the virtues and powers of the Deity that presides over the Mantra . Repetition of Surya Mantra bestows health, long life, vigour, vitality, Tejas or brilliance. It removes all diseases of the body and the diseases of the eye. No enemy can do any harm. Repetition of Aditya-hridayam in the early morning is highly beneficial. Lord Rama conquered Ravana through the repetition of Aditya-hridayam imparted by Agastya Rishi.

By Swami Sivananda, fro

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I am Immortal Soul

‘I am body. I act. I enjoy. She is my wife. He is my son. This is mine.’—This is bondage. ‘I am Immortal Soul. I am non-actor, non-enjoyer. She is my soul. Nothing is mine.’

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead you to the Absolute.

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Control your thoughts

By controlling the thoughts the Sadhaka attains great Siddhis, mental powers. He becomes an adept. He attains Asamprajnata Samadhi or Kaivalya.

Swami Sivananda

Taken from Amrita Gita, by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, 1887-1963. Copyright Divine Life Society, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh. More Informations: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video, Books by Swami Sivananda

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Meditate on Soham

Watch the breath. It sings Soham, ‘So’ during inhalation and ‘Ham’, during exhalation. It reminds you ‘I am He’. Meditate on ‘Soham’ and attain Self-realisation.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Do not run after Siddhis, spiritual powers. Siddhis are great temptations. They will bring about your downfall.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Diet and Fasting

A Sadhaka should observe perfect discipline in diet. He should take Sattvic food in moderation. A glutton cannot dream of success in Yoga. Do not fast much. It will produce weakness

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead you to the Absolute.

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Who am I?

Thou art not this perishable body. Thou art not this changing mind. Thou art all-pervading, immortal, infinite, changeless Soul or Atman. Realise this and roam about happily.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Every Mantra has a Rishi who gave it to the world 6UYGMC2HQU3H; a Matra or metre which governs the inflection of the voice; a Devata or a supernatural being; the Bija or seed which gives it a special power; the Sakti or the energy of the form of the Mantra ; and the Kilakam or the pillar which supports and makes the Mantra strong.



Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy

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Equip yourself with the Four Means Viveka, Vairagya, Mumukshutwa, Shatsampat. Hear the Srutis, reflect and meditate. You will attain Self-realisation.

Swami Sivananda

Taken from Amrita Gita, by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, 1887-1963. Copyright Divine Life Society, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh. More Informations: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video, Books by Swami Sivananda

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Effects of Mantra repetition

Repetition of Mantra raises vibrations. Vibrations give rise to definite forms. Repetition of Om Namah Sivaya gives rise to the form of Lord Siva in the mind; repetition of Om Namo Narayanaya gives rise to the form of Lord Hari.


From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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