yOGA (552)

Repeat the Mantra regularly

Resolve to finish a certain minimum number of Malas before leaving the seat. Mala or rosary is a whip to goad the mind towards God. Sometimes do the Japa without a Mala. Go by the watch.

Swami Sivananda

Taken from Amrita Gita, by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, 1887-1963. Copyright Divine Life Society, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh. More Informations: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video, Books by Swami Sivananda

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How to use a Japa Mala

How to use a Japa Mala
Use not the index finger while rolling the beads. Use the thumb, the middle and the ring fingers. When counting of one Mala is over, revert it and come back again. Cross not the Meru. Cover your hand with a towel.

Swami Sivananda


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes from Amrita Gita copyright The Divine Life Society

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Pronounce the Mantra distinctly and without mistakes. Do not repeat it too fast or too slow.
Swami Sivananda


By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Repeat a Mantra with feeling

Do not do the Japa in a hurried manner, just as a contractor tries to finish his work in a hurried way. Do it slowly with Bhava, one-pointedness of mind and single-minded devotion.
Swami Sivananda


From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead you to the Absolute.

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Who is a Guru

A Guru is one who has full illumination, who is endowed with all divine virtues, who is able to remove the doubts of his disciples and guide them in the path of Yoga.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Effects of Special Mantras, part 5

Mantra for curing scorpion stings and cobra bites should be repeated on eclipse days for getting Mantra Siddhi quickly. You should stand in the water and repeat the Mantra . This is more powerful and effective. They can be recited on ordinary days also for attaining Mantra -Siddhi.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga deals with the practical methods which will awaken this great pristine force in individuals. Kundalini Yoga is an exact science. It treats of Kundalini Sakti, the six centres of spiritual energy, Shat-Chakras, the arousing of the sleeping Kundalini Sakti and its union with Lord Siva in Sahasrara Chakra, at the crown of the head. Kundalini Yoga is also known as Laya Yoga.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishik

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Effects of Special Mantras, part 4

OM, Soham, Sivoham, Aham Brahmasmi are Moksha Mantras. They will help you to attain Self-realisation. Om Sri Ramaya Namah, Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya are Saguna Mantras which will enable you to attain Saguna realisation first and then Nirguna realisation in the end.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The D

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Realize Brahman

Think of Brahman. Meditate on Brahman. Be devoted to Brahman. Get merged in Brahman. Get established in Brahman, This is Brahma-Abhyasa or Jnana-Abhyasa, or Vedantic Nididhyasana or Ahamgraha Upasana.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Effects of Special Mantras, part 1

Repetition of Sarasvati Mantra ‘OM Sarasvatyai Namah’ will bestow on you wisdom and good intelligence. You will get inspiration and compose poems. Repetition of ‘Om Sri Mahalakshmyai Namah’ will confer on you wealth and remove poverty. Ganesha Mantra will remove any obstacle in any undertaking. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra will remove accidents, incurable diseases and bestow long life and immortality. It is a Moksha Mantra too.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Cop

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Brahman as the Supreme Light

Just as one sun illumines the whole world, the one Brahman illumines all intellects.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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What is Greates

Mind is greater than the senses. Pure Intellect is greater than the mind. Atman is greater than the intellect. There is nothing greater than the Atman.


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes from Amrita Gita copyright The Divine Life Society

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What is Mantra

A Mantra is Divinity, Mantra and its presiding Devata are one. The Mantra itself is Devata. Mantra is divine power, Daivi Sakti, manifesting in a sound-body. Constant repetition of the Mantra with faith, devotion and purity augments the Sakti or power of the aspirant, purifies and awakens the Mantra Chaitanya latent in the Mantra and bestows on the Sadhaka Mantra Siddhi, illumination, freedom, peace, eternal bliss, immortality.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-196

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What is Brahman

Brahman is without senses, mind, Prana, quality. He is within and without all beings. He is Immovable. He is extremely subtle. He is the Light of lights. He is beyond the three qualities. He is a mass of wisdom. He is attainable through wisdom

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead you to the Absolute.

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The Atman is Unvulnerable

No one can slay or destroy this Atman or soul because It is extremely subtle, formless. It is Spirit, not matter.

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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A liberated Sage is free from passion, attachment, fear, anger, egoism. He has a balanced mind and equal vision.

Swami Sivananda

From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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The Middle Path

A glutton is unfit for Yoga. One who starves cannot practise Yoga. Similarly, one who is filled with inertia and so sleeps much, or one who sleeps very little and is ever engaged in Rajasic activity is also unfit for Yoga. Adopt the golden mean. This is the Path of the Wise.


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes from Amrita Gita c

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How to awaken the Kundalini

Kundalini can also be awakened by devotion, strong, pure, irresistible, dynamic will, the grace of the Guru and recitation of Mantra .

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Keep an even mind

He who is alike to foe and friend, who is balanced in pleasure and pain, heat and cold, honour and dishonour, censure and praise, who is without attachment and egoism, who is ever content and harmonious, who is compassionate, who does not hate any creature, is a devotee of God -realisation. He has crossed the three qualities

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead

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