yOGA (552)

Traditionally, yoga teacher training in India as we all know it within the west (the position and pranayama elements) were designed to assist folks prepare to take a seat for hours in meditation. After all, it’s pretty robust to meditate once your leg is cramping, otherwise you haven’t been active respiration techniques to assist you energize, relax, and stretch your lungs to their full capability. However, “yoga” in itself is loosely translated from the Indic word sense “to yoke” or “union.” Un

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Yoga Teacher Training India

Yoga Teacher Training in India

Raj Yoga Rishikesh- Our one-month residential yoga teacher training (YTT) courses registered with yoga alliance at 200-hour level held on our lush garden grounds at Raj Yoga Rishikesh. Our courses are suitable for all skills levels ranging from beginners through to more advanced yoga practitioners.You will have the opportunity to learn with gifted and highly skilled yoga teachers who are certified and experienced to teach in teacher training courses.
Yoga Teacher Tr

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Achieving that extra glowing skin can give ladies a run for their money. Especially, if you are of a kind that is easily captivated with the greatly marketed, flashy cosmetics and other beauty products to take care of your skin. However, to be really honest, natural glow costs you nothing but a little effort.


We look up to the celluloid beauties as our idols for their great looks and skin. Well, they do deserve our attention for their efforts to appear fabulous on screen but what we actually need

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Get Better Sleep By Retreating Into Yoga!

Hectic schedules, monthly deadlines, and crazy working hours—for many of us, life revolves around only these words. While we are busy chasing our ambitions, we tend to lose out majorly on our mental, physical, and emotional health.

The moment we finally reach home after that long day at work, all we want to do is lie down on the bed and have a good night sleep; but how many of us actually have it? Many toss right and left on the bed, already feeling anxious about the next day.

Not having a good sl

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Although India is quite famous for the best yoga training but Rishikesh is popularly known as the world’s yoga capital. You can find eminent yoga teachers here in Rishikesh. Rishikesh has lots of good yoga schools and have certified yoga teachers that will teach you yoga and various asana. You can find various good teachers that will help you with meditation, spiritual connection with the God through Yoga, healing of various diseases, teach you “laughter yoga” techniques, and give you lectures o

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Savasana is one of the important Yoga practices which have the ability to offer rejuvenation and relaxation benefits to its practitioners. It is said to be the easiest form of Yoga postures which can be done by anyone to taste the nectar of peace and bliss but when you take it for granted, you’ll find it one of the most difficult activities in Yoga teachings. Though, it is simple but needs much intention and focused mindfulness while doing it and if you can follow the instructions correctly and

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Yoga Alliance Certification - 200 Hour TTC In India:

200 hour residential hatha yoga teacher training programs and yoga instructor courses (TTC, YTTC, YTT, RYT 200) registered with Yoga Alliance, yoga courses for beginners and yoga retreats in India at Yoga School India (RYS 200).

Yoga Teacher Training In India- Course Dates & Fees - 2015

» August 07, 2015 to September 4, 2015 :: US$ 1500

» October 07, 2015 to November 4, 2015 :: US$ 1500

» December 07, 2015 to January 4, 2015 :: US$ 1500

» February 0

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One lemon a day keeps doctor away.


Lemon water is very beneficial for our body in various ways. It is considered as rich source of vitamins and minerals. Experts suggest that lemon water is surprisingly healthy internal body cleanser to start your day with. Daily consumption of lemon water helps stomach to remove waste from the body.
Lemon water contains balancing quantity of water, protein, carbohydrates and sugar with lemon, which is a richest source of vitamin C. It also contains various vitamins such as Thiamine, Riboflavin,

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Method : Sit down in padmasana or sukhasana. Close your eyes and keep your hands on your thighs in Gyan mudra .Now Place the tip of your tongue up against the roof of your mouth. Keep it there through the entire breathing process.Breathe in silently through your nose to the slow count of 4.Hold your breath to the count of 8.Exhale through your mouth to the count of 12, making a slight audible sound.Repeat the 4-8-12 cycle minimum for three rounds.To know more visit

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Go yogic upchar for Asthama.

Asthma attack is caused by swelling in lungs, narrowing of the airways, restricting airflow and making breathing very difficult.Asthma is a difficult disease, for this you can take drugs or natural remedies and also combination of both.
some natural remedies for asthma:
• Drink plenty of water daily to help dilute and move mucus out of your body.
• Take a steam inhalation of eucalyptus or lavender essential oils just during an attack.
• Prepare one tablespoon fresh juice of ginger, fenugreek and ho

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Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
Students come to yoga class for a lot of reasons. Some need to stretch and loosen up, some want to drop extra pounds or tone muscles, and nonetheless others need to develop deeper right into a yogic practice. This can make the trainer's job a bit tough, since not all college students or asanas are one-size-suits-all. As you encounter a category full of students of assorted ages at various ranges, remember that your job is to maintain your college students safe a

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Vacanza Yoga 16-20 agosto 2013


Venerdì 16 : Seminario “Cibo per la mente”.
Sabato 17 : Escursione e Seminario “Asana e Chakra”.
Domenica 18 : Seminario “Emozioni e Respiro” e Seminario “La Meditazione in 10 passi”.
Lunedì 19 : Escursione e Seminario (seconda parte) “La Meditazione in 10 passi”.
Martedì 20 : Seminario “Yama, riconoscere le qualità dell'energia divina”.

Seminario “Cibo per la mente”
Secondo la scienza dello yoga attraverso l'alimentazione noi assimiliamo non solo mat

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Yogic ways to increase weight.

In smaller towns and villages, people are often underweight due to poverty or lack of proper dietetic knowledge.

Persons below average weight run the risk of increased mortality and are especially liable to tuberculosis and other acute infectious diseases. A starving person has slow pulse, low blood pressure, marked emaciation, lose of hair and inelastic skin.

Large sums of money are wasted in every country on tonics and vitamins for increasing weight.

Yogic and dietary Recommendations.

1. A high-c

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Keeping your brain sharp and preventing mental decline involves more than just the brain itself. By working to keep your mind sharp, you can improve your attitude.

Nothing angers a person more than not being able to remember important things or events.

Healthy practices in many areas of life will help you keep your brain, as well as your body, in top shape.

Here are tips to keep your mind sharp

Eat a healthy diet

Too much or too little energy throws a kink in the brain’s delicate machinery. A low gl

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mayurasana ( peacock Pose )

mayurasanaWhen we practice this asana the shape of our body becomes like that of a Peacock that is why our yogi’s have named this as Mayurasana.Procedure: Sit down on the ground in Vajrasana. Bend forward raising your thighs and chest. Join your elbows together and take them at the centre of stomach. Now put complete body weight on your elbows and raise your legs and knees from the ground. Practice it for few days at the start. After some days when you get good practice spread your legs behind l
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Spring is beginning in Germany. Sun shining, temperature rising.
Even though our Indian guests think it is still very chilly :-)

We have three Woman Yoga masters here:
  • Leela Mata from Peaceful Valley Ashram
  • Narayani, author of "The Sivananda Companion to Yoga"
  • Dr. Nalini Sahay, disciple of Paramahamsa Satyananda, expert on Yoga Nidra, Pavana Muktasana, Tantra Meditation and Rama

We are looking forward to their talks, and lectures.

Actually we will have all three of them on stage this evening

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Dhyana mudra

Rest your hands in your lap with the right hand on top of your left with both palms upward. Bring the tips of the two thumbs together gently.

This mudra brings increased power to your meditation and you in attaining self-realization. 9078788288?profile=originalExtensive practice is said to create a powerful aura around your face, which is noticed by and has a positive effect on everybody who comes into contact with you. Dhyana mudra aids concentration, gives you mental relief and stops your mind from wandering.
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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India – 2019


200 hour residential and affordable yoga teacher training in India based on traditional hatha yoga, hatha yoga in iyengar style and hatha yoga in ashtanga style at yoga school Samatva Yogalaya, Rishikesh – Rys 200 (US$ 1700 including food and single room accommodation).

  • 07 January 2019 to 02 February 2019 :: US$ 1700 (Yoga Alliance – RYT 200 Certification in Rishikesh, India)
  • 18 March 2019 to 13 April 2019 :: US$ 1700 (Yoga Alliance – RYT 200 Certifica
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Meditation is not contemplation Meditation is not concentration Meditation is not about doing something; rather it is about doing nothing Meditation being in the state of awareness and unconditional witnessing.Now awareness is a tricky matter People think they know what awareness is, but it is a misconception Meditation is experiencing and enjoying the inner void – though one may say that this enjoying is a mind-oriented experience Both joy and sorrow are experienced by the mind – and anything t

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