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About Rishikesh Yog Mandir

RYM is the renowned yoga school in Rishikesh, India. We have been maintaining this reputation since last 10 years. The yoga courses we offers are

• 100 Hour Yoga TTC India
• 200 Hour Yoga TTC India
• 300 Hour Yoga TTC India
• Online Yoga Classes India
• 500 Hour Yoga TTC India
• Meditation Course in India
• Ayurveda Course in India
• Hatha, Ashtanga & Vinyasa

Rishikesh Yog Mandir is an exceptional yoga preparing focus gave totally towards the investigation of yoga. Here we train the understudies accordin

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Health Benefits of "Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose"(Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana):*Effective Weight Loss*Strengthens the Legs and Ankles*Stretches the Muscles of the Raised Legs*Relieves Anxiety*Helps with Digestive Problems*Strengthens the Nervous System*Develops Focus*Opens the Hips*Revives the Body*Improves Sense of BalanceExplore more: D'vine Yoga SchoolContact us:
Whats-app: +91-9997224320

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Yogic diet is a vegetarian diet, there are a lot of different ways to be vegetarian, but the yogic diet is a sattvic diet. It means the diet most suitable for development of consciousness, for spiritual elevation, for sharpness of the mind and for physical fitness.There are three forces of nature, they can be described according their effect, of there qualification on everything in nature. The first energy expression of this principle we call sentient energy. Sentient means that what brings ligh
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Healthy blood circulation is essential for your health and wellbeing as it carries oxygen and essential vital nutrient throughout the body. Healthy blood circulation is good for your skin, keeping energy, cell growth and boosts your physical and mental ability. It also removes the waste out of the cell which is very much important for the wellbeing of the body. When it comes to healthy blood circulation movement is the key and yoga is one of the best tool and accessible tool to increase blood ci

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It is often said that doing any kind of exercise after the meal. However, yoga is an exception as it is an only form of exercise that can be performed even after any heavy meal. There are certain yoga poses that help in boosting your digestion. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on a lot of breathing that brings several health benefits. Although the most optimal time for practicing yoga is in the morning however there are also certain yoga poses that can be practiced after the heav

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Learn about 500-hour yoga teacher training Goa.


The 500 Hour yoga teacher training in Goa is concentrated to a decent chance to extend your Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Hatha Yoga practice. The course incorporates the examination and routine of Asanas (Primary and Intermediate Series of Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Hatha), Pranayama, Meditation, Kriyas, and Adjustment Workshop.

In the event that you have a fundamental learning of Asana and arrangements, at that point, you can do the 500-hour yoga instructor instructional class in just two months.

500 hour

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Benefits of Pranayama and meditation Course

The practice of pranayama and meditation
Pranayama means the regulation of the most vital force of breath that flows through different channels of the body and sustain its functioning. Breath is the essence of life and how we breathe influences our mind and body. The practice of pranayama is essential to the process of purification that is needed for a deeper practice of meditation. The practice of correct deep breathing calms the anxious mind and corrects many lifestyle disorders and relieves yo

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Toned legs you’ve always longed for and our legs need sort of attention to take care. To remain them strong and flexible you need to do yoga regularly. Here we are going to tell you all the yoga asanas for keeping your leg and thigh fit and slim. Setting aside a few minutes spending on some yoga poses you can get it right there.

Let’s get started with your yoga mat:

• Ardha Bhekasana (Downward-Facing Dog)
• Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
• Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)
• Supta Padangusht

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4 Easy Yoga Techniques for Balancing Pitta

According to Ayurveda, our body is composed of 3 doshas, pitta, vata, and kapha and it is important to keep them balanced. Pitta is composed of fire and water and holds the qualities of light, oily, hot, acidic, sharp, and liquid. When these elements become imbalanced within the body and mind their qualities can be seen in excess.
Signs that your pitta needs to be balanced

  • Frequent episodes of feeling angry or frustrated
    Skin prone to rashes and eruptions
    Feeling impatient and irritable
    Pre-mature t
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Basic Steps in Meditation

Meditation is a method that helps an individual connect with his inner self, by detaching himself from the outer world and all its occurrences. It is not just an action that yields spiritual benefits but also provides development in emotional, mental, and physical areas as well. True meditation can be practiced by following certain steps that are advised to be learnt under trained experts.

Basic steps for proper meditation:

The primary steps to be followed during meditation have been categorized i

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Yoga is an ancient practice that brings union or harmony in mind, body and soul. Most of the people think yoga is all about that complicated asana that makes you flexible but it is more like a spiritual practice that going to improve your whole persona in the terms of physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. In yoga, there are many hand gestures or mudras done while doing pranayama and meditation that guides the energy flows to the various parts of the brain. These mudras stimulate different

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Yoga refers to the systematic practice comprising physical exercise, relaxation, breath control, positive thinking, diet control, and meditation. These combined aspects aim at the development of harmony. The overall benefits are felt on the body, mind, and environment. 

The yoga practices are properly taught to the teachers at Kundalini Yoga TeacherTraining in Rishikesh.
How Kundalini yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh can help you become a teacher?

Kundalini Yoga is way different from othe

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Aren’t toned arms looking attractive? Do you also want strong and well-toned attractive arms? With yoga, you can get that, and sooner you can flaunt it as well. Pick the correct yoga asana and get toned arms so that you can get stronger and well-toned arms. Instead of joining the gym and lifting weights, you should practice yoga for well-toned arms.

The Best Five Yoga Poses for Toned arms and hands

• Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)
• Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose)
• Bakasana (

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Meditation yoga teacher training in Rishikesh at Rishikesh Yog Mandir is solely focused on various advanced meditations practices, guided meditation, kundalini meditation and yoga Nidra along with yoga practices. Meditation is a process that is highly beneficial for physical and mental health by creating unwavering focus, awareness, positivity in our life.

Today’s hectic lifestyle give a lot of mental stress and anxiety and meditation give you a relief from that stress and anxiety and give you th

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9078799460?profile=originalWhen we think of yoga, more often than not, we imagine complex poses and associate weight loss with it. Some people think of yoga pants while others contemplate joining the bandwagon to appear cool. The truth is that the real essence and meaning of yoga has long been forgotten. Authentic yoga has been overshadowed by fancy terms and complex poses. 

We can connect to the roots of yoga by understanding its origin and history. The origin of yoga came from Hatha Yoga- India’s ancient and sacred pract

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Hatha Yoga Course 

For living a healthy and stress-free life, then we must have added Yoga and do some physical work in our daily life. If you are thinking to do yoga, there are different types of yoga which you can perform in the morning and evening as per your convenience.

Hatha Yoga is one of the most famous yoga-type people are practising on a daily basis.  The Hatha Yoga is consist of two parts first one is eight limbs of Yoga and other is consists of eight mudras.  It is associated with trad

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You might have thought that yoga is only for an adult not for kids as it is all about bringing balance and sense of wellbeing and when it comes to a kid it is all opposite. Kids are always super active and very curious about everything and the yoga give it a direction. When it comes to yoga kids can be considered as a born yogi and yoga can become a medium for them to express their creativity, fear and anger in a most powerful yet effective way with yoga. Also, it makes them more disciplined inc

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Yoga has great health benefits but not many people know that its yoga also helps in getting a good night's sleep. Certain poses if practiced with concentration and deep breathing provide calmness to your mind and release and reduce the physical and mental tension of the body. There are many restorative yoga poses which use props such as straps, blanket, wood block under your forehead and neck to encourage relaxation in eyes and provide a soothing effect to the nervous system. It also includes de

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Yoga Practice Improves Metabolism

Yoga practice makes use of a series of different and distorting poses that motivates the work flow of the internal organs, thus improving the metabolism to burn more calories and lessen the weight of your body. Improved blood and local circulation is a direct effect of practicing yoga postures. Thus, it leads to a healthier and more energetic body.
Whenever the calorie intake is lower than the calorie output, your body starts burning the fat cells in order to obtain the essential energy that is

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Yoga Poses for Daily Routine

9078798684?profile=originalAt the present time, if you want to stay fit, you should do some of the other physical activities. People go for a walk, cycling, swimming, dance, and even join the gym also. But often it happens that they are not able to do these physical activities because of less time. Also, one may not be able to take time out for doing all these activities and going out to practicing these activities. So, there is one solution to this problem and that is Yoga. Because, once you have learned some essential y

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