Portland, OR
I ...
... am a Yoga Practicioner, ... am a Yoga Teacher, ... am a Yoga Therapist, ... have/direct a Yoga Center/studio, ... am an Ayurveda specialist/consultant/practicioner
I am an expert in the following areas:
Steve Davis Corporate Yoga ProgramTM, Steve Davis Present Moment CourseTM. Raja Yoga. 8-Week Raja Yoga Immersion Courses in ascending levels. I am a registered yoga teacher with over 30 years experience, and a licensed massage therapist with over five years of experience. A structured program with me will help you to achieve enhanced performance in all aspects of life, abundant health, and the realization of your unique gift and purpose in life. My clinical practice follows an integrated approach, utilizing the following massage modalities: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Structural Alignment, Zen Shiatsu, Traditional Thai, Chinese (Acupressure and Tui Na), Sports, Medical, Hot and Cold Stone, plus the root of Tai Chi Chuan, and Yoga. Zen Shiatsu is the primary therapy in my practice. Zen Shiatsu follows TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) in full, and it is more than TCM, as hara diagnosis and therapy are employed. I am available for teaching courses in massage therapy and yoga, including the Steve Davis Corporate Yoga ProgramTM and the Steve Davis Present Moment CourseTM. These courses are unique to the world, and integrate together. Please feel welcome to call for a free posture assessment and to get acquainted. (503) 724-2755 By appointment only. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9am to 9pm. Steve J Davis, RYT, LMT, NCTMB Healing Light Yoga & Massage Studio inside Bally Total Fitness 15353 SW Sequoia Parkway Portland, OR 97224 YA#29243, OBMT #13099, NCTMB #512195-06
My Yoga tradition/style/center, Yoga practice, Yoga Master/s, Teacher/s
Instructor: Steve J Davis, RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist), NCTMB (Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork). My teaching draws from experience from over 30 years personal yoga practice, and draws the best from various yoga schools and yogis, including Iyengar, Bikram, Astanga, Ananda, and Sri Dadaji (Amiya Roy Chowdhury). I teach Raja (Astanga) Yoga, based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In my classes, I state that the root of Yoga and Tai Chi Chuan is the same, all one. Tai Chi Chuan is integrated into Yoga seamlessly. I have applied what I have learned. Once a person is realized, the path of how they got there is not important, and yet it is vitally important. All paths lead to the same goal. Path, goal, and answer are one. I have had the great fortune to have studied with masters in both Yoga and Tai Chi, dating back to the early 70's. I met Tai Chi Master Wen Chi Huang in 1972, Sri Dadaji (Amiya Roy Chowdhury) in 1978. Both of them exhibited supreme love to all, wisdom beyond words, and manifested what most people would consider 'supernatural' powers or miracles, which are really natural powers, our birthright and potential state of being blossomed into full awareness and performance. Namaste, Steve
More about me:
Steve J Davis, RYT, LMT, NCTMB website: blog: brochure: email; twitter: linkedin: myspace: facebook: YA #29243, OBMT #13099, NCTMB #32321 (503) 724-2755 mobile Studio inside Bally Total Fitness 15353 SW Sequoia Parkway Portland, OR 97224 Mailing address: PO Box 1221, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 USA Member: Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce Member: AFM, American Federation of Musicians, Local 99. Member: Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra Violinist, Singer, Bansuri, Composer, Writer, Hiker, Mountain Climbing, outdoor sports. See the client testimonials written by my yoga students. "Steve Davis is an awesome yoga teacher. His expertise and knowledge of classical yoga surpasses all other yoga classes I have taken. In a few weeks of practicing yoga with Steve I have attained significant body strength, flexibility, and energy. I also feel more alive in spirit, body and mind. Steve is a great teacher who can help you progress on an accelerated path to fitness and wellness. He takes time during yoga class to give each of his students individual instruction on each asana pose which is very important. Yoga is body, spirit, soul, beauty, grace and art all in one that Steve performs and teaches very well. Thank you Steve. I honor your light and path as a yoga teacher and friend." Marilyn D. 10/13/2009 "I have been attending yoga classes and receiving massages from Steve for a little over a month now, and I can tell a great deal of difference in how I feel. I sleep MUCH better - fall asleep immediately and back again should I wake up in the middle of the night. This was not my pattern previously. Also, my digestion is better and I have lots more energy. Steve discovered that I have a slight case of scoliosis in my back and is using both massage and yoga postures to correct it, along with helping me find exercise machines in the gym that can also be beneficial. I can highly recommend Steve for both yoga and massage. He is highly trained, has had a lot of experience in these disciplines, and is very focused on doing the best possible job for all his clients." Sandy M. 9/4/09 "I have been taking Yoga from Steve Davis of Healing Light for over a year now. In that time, I have made amazing progress. Steve provides patient, individualized attention to a student's personal goals. Class is tailored to meet those needs. And it is never boring. New poses are introduced and there is a lot of variety in the warm-up. Although I have participated in yoga classes on and off for several years and had many different teachers, I feel that Steve's class is responsible for my increased flexibility, strength, balance, and ability to maintain my peaceful frame of mind throughout a busy day. I highly recommend Steve to any beginning or advanced student. Irene F. " Feb 16, 2009
My Favorite Quote/What inspires me:
Dadaji's Message of Love Remember God Do your duty Love all
Mahalo, Namaste!
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Namasté Steve,
Happy Birthday to you.
May the light of this auspicious day bring love and everlasting peace to your life and soul.
Om Shanti
Omkara - Member of Yoga Vidya e.V. Socialmedia Team
Namasté Steve,
happy birthday to you.
May your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Ravidas - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam
Hallo Steve,
happy birthday to you.
May your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Eduard - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam

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Om Shanti