Karma (11)

("Dance of the Lord of Death" by Jean-Marie Hullot)

« Between Worlds » is a composition that started as a song entitled « Requiem » which was written in response to the deaths of my father and maternal grandmother, both due to cancer, at the beginning of the 1990s. Inspired by « The Tibetan Book of the Dead, » the piece eventually turned into a suite in five movements intended to present the successive stages of the death process as described in Tibetan culture.

« Dissolution » is a very short sec

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Between Worlds (Epilogue)

("Maitreya the Conqueror" by Nicholas Roerich)

I read the The Tibetan Book of the Dead twice. I started with a French translation, and then read the Robert A. F. Thurman version. My motivation at the time was to learn more about the death process and what comes after.

At the time, I was agreeably surprised to discover that the text, which is traditionally read to the dead and is intended to guide them through the experiences that the consciousness has during the interval between death and the nex

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Departure (Between Worlds part 1)

("Buddha painted on a rock wall in Tibet" by Unknown Artist - photography by onwardtibet.org)

« Between Worlds » is a suite in five movements that started as a song entitled « Requiem » which was written in response to the deaths of my father and maternal grandmother, both due to cancer, at the beginning of the 1990s. The original draft eventually became what now constitutes « Departure, » the introductory section of the whole composition.

A few years later, after discovering Buddhism, I acquired

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Determination (Between Worlds part 5)

("Akshobhya Buddha" by VanemTao)

« Between Worlds » is a composition that started as a song entitled « Requiem » which was written in response to the deaths of my father and maternal grandmother, both due to cancer, at the beginning of the 1990s. Inspired by « The Tibetan Book of the Dead, » the piece eventually turned into a suite in five movements intended to present the successive stages of the death process as described in Tibetan culture.

The last section of « Between Worlds » is entitled «

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Meaning of Karma - by Swami Sivananda

Karma is a s a n s k r i t term that s i g n i f i e s action or deed. Any physical or m e n t a l action is k a r ma .

Thinking is m e n t a l k a r m a . Karma is the sum total of our acts, both in the present life and in the preceding births.
Karma means not only action, but also the result of an action. The consequence of an action is really not a separate thing. It is a part of the action and cannot be divided from it. The law of karma means the law of causation. Wherever there is a ca
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Deliberation (Between Worlds part 4)

("The Dhyani Buddha Akshobhya" - Unknown Artist)

« Between Worlds » is a composition that started as a song entitled « Requiem » which was written in response to the deaths of my father and maternal grandmother, both due to cancer, at the beginning of the 1990s. Inspired by « The Tibetan Book of the Dead, » the piece eventually turned into a suite in five movements intended to present the successive stages of the death process as described in Tibetan culture.

« The Dance Of The Archetypes » culmin

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To Kill Your Demons

« To Kill Your Demons » was completed on March 10, 2013, and is the 20th song written for the henceforth entitled « 30 Songs for the Sunny Season » project.

Basically, the main point of the song is that most-if-not-all experiences, apparent catastrophes included, can be interpreted positively as opportunities for growth.

Again, I plan to repost the following lyrics with an audio or video clip when time allows for the recording and production of proper demos.

verse 1
you were waiting for the right w

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New Year's Eve in Tiruvannamalai

OMEnlightenment is not an "experience". Really, it is the ability to assimilate and understand your actions. If your True Self is the "Light", how can you become enlightened? Understanding your actions helps you to transform yourself.My best wishes for the new year. May it be a year that is filled with enough suffering to make you want to change your life and your negative thought patterns.
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Modifying Fate Through Yoga

I see a lot of non-Indian friends on this site. While, their zeal and dedication to Yoga Vidya gives me immense joy, I am not quite sure whether they understand the meaning of Yoga and other terms of Indian Origin in their real perspective. I don't claim to be an expert or an authority on Indian religion or culture. On the contrary, there might be a great number of members who know much more than what I know about Yoga Vidya. However, being an Indian my self, I thought I should blog on some of t

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The Mechanics Of Karma

("A free body diagram of a mass on an inclined plane" by Mets501)

Will the island turn into an archipelago ? More poetry today...

How long have I hankered
For the right way to go
How far have I wandered
To know what I now know

Laying under the moon
Rising up with the crow
And the wail of the loon
In the rain or the glow

How many ups and downs
I had to lose the count
Just as with forms and nouns
To keep climbing the mount

How many times I slipped
Escaping restriction
Expecting to be tripped
By disguised protect

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