Discipline the mind and the senses. Cultivate noble virtues. Develop the four means. Hear
the Srutis. Reflect and meditate on Atman. This will result in Self-realisation.
Have no blind faith. Reason out carefully and then accept anything. Annihilate lust, anger
and greed. Share what you have—mental, physical and moral—with others. Take delight in serving
others. All your egoism and arrogance will disappear.
In the lamp of the heart put the oil of Vairagya. Insert the wick of devotion. Now kindle the
daily (516)
Do not grumble of bad environments. Create your own mental world and environments.
Build up your character properly. Establish virtuous healthy habits.
Understand the glow, splendour and power of the Self which is at the back of your mind,
thoughts, will and memory. Keep your body strong and healthy by regular exercise. Become a
spiritual hero.
Shut out the doors of the senses. Still the thoughts, emotions and feelings. Sit motionless
and calm in the early morning hours. Have a receptive attitude. Go
The practice of selfless service destroys sins and impurities and causes purity of
Antahkarana. Knowledge of Self dawns in a pure mind. Knowledge of Self is the only direct means
to freedom. Cooking is not possible without fire, so is emancipation without knowledge of the Self.
Knowledge certainly destroys ignorance as light destroys thickest darkness.
Be absorbed in your work. Give your full heart, mind and soul. Do not care for the results.
Do not think of success or failure. Do not think of the p
Within you is the hidden God. Within you is the immortal soul. Within you is the
inexhaustible spiritual treasure. Within you is the ocean of bliss.
Look within for the happiness which you have sought in vain in perishable sensual objects.
Rest peacefully in your own Atman.
Surrender everything unto Him. Place your ego at His feet and be at ease. He will take
complete charge of you. He will do everything for you. Practise. Feel. Assert. Enjoy the Supreme.
From "Light, Power and Wisdom" by Swami Sivan
4 a.m. in the morning is termed as Brahmamuhurta. Because it is favourable for
meditation on God or Brahman, it is called Brahmamuhurta. At this particular hour, the mind is
very calm and serene. It is free from worldly thoughts, worries and anxieties. The mind is like a
blank sheet of paper and comparatively free from worldly Samskaras. It can be very easily
moulded at this time before worldly distractions enter the mind. Further, the atmosphere also is
charged with more Sattva at this particular t
Remove the veil of ignorance which is hiding your real Svarupa. Destroy egoism, the sense
of duality, sense of separateness. Your real nature is Satchidananda. You are identical with
Brahman. Never, never forget this.
Always protect yourself from evil influences. Do not allow the spiritual Samskaras to be
obliterated. It is difficult to regain what is lost in spirituality. Exercise Vichara, Viveka, always.
Utilise your will to resist evil influences.
Develop your will-power by driving desires, by Tit
If we have no faith in God, we will be born again in this world and will undergo
considerable miseries. The ignorant, faithless doubting self goes to destruction. He cannot enjoy
the least happiness. Neither this world nor that beyond is there for the doubting self. Those who
have no faith in God do not know what is right and what is wrong. They have lost the power of
discrimination. They are untruthful, proud and egoistic. They are given to excessive greed, wrath
and lust. They hoard up money by un
Belief in God is an indispensable requisite for every human being. It is a sine qua non.
Owing to the force of Avidya or ignorance, pain appears as pleasure. The world is full of
miseries, troubles, difficulties and tribulations. The world is a ball of fire. The Antahkarana
(mind, intellect, ego and the subconscious mind) charged with Raga (attachment), Dvesha
(hatred), anger and jealousy is a blazing furnace. We have to free ourselves from birth, death, old
age, disease and grief. This can be done
God is your heart. He is in you and you are in Him. Search Him inside your heart. If you do
not find Him there, you will not find Him anywhere else.
This search after God is a question of supply and demand. If you really want God, if there is
a demand for God, then the supply will come at once.
Give up clinging to illusory life. Be fearless. Take refuge in Vairagya. All fears will die
away. Cling to the lotus feet of the Lord. Cling to the invisible, unseen Brahman. May the Almighty
Lord guide you in
Surrender completely to the Almighty Lord. Fix your mind on Him. See Him in all faces.
Sing His name. Work for Him. Think of nothing else than Him.
He is your guide. He is your light. Remember Him at all times whether it is pleasure or pain.
He will cheer you up. He will come and save you from all your difficulties, as He protected
Prahlada. He will give you light, love and wisdom.
Become One With The Law-Giver
Man is dragged to places where he can get the objects of his desires. God gives suitable
Watch your mind and thoughts. Introspect and practise self-analysis. Avoid evil company.
Understand the way of Maya. Be on the alert. Be very humble and simple, remember God at every
Remove arrogance, self-conceit and laziness. Develop humility to a maximum degree. Be
sincere. Serve all with love. Respect your elders and parents. Lead a simple, laborious life.
Cheer up your spirit. Have Perfect trust in God. Keep the mind fully occupied. Practise daily
meditation. Develop virtuous qualities.
Attune your heart to the Lord by doing fervent and sincere prayer daily. Lay bare your heart
to Him. Do not keep any secrets. Talk to Him like a child. Be humble and simple. Implore Him with
a contrite heart to forgive your sins. Beseech Him to bestow His Grace. Do not depend upon human
help. Rely on God and God alone. You will get everything. You will get His Darshan or vision.
Be regular in your Japa, Kirtan, meditation and study of Gita and Bhagavatam. Regularity is
of paramount importance in spi
Hold fast the lamp of Dharma. Entertain thoughts of Divine Love. Preserve equanimity in
success and failure. Restrain the senses. Calm the mind. Fix it on God. Soar high in the realm of
bliss. Behold unity. You will have cosmic vision.
Give up all sorts of fears, anger, care, worries and anxieties. Do not be disheartened by
failures. Pain is the best thing in the world. It is an eye-opener. Never forget this.
Dear friend, can economical sufficiency and a few more comforts with electric lights, fans
Speak kind and sweet words. Have Satsanga of Mahatmas. Eat moderately. Take care of
your health. Cultivate fellow-feeling and universal brotherhood.
Do not waste your precious hours. Find out your evil habits and remove them. Thou art the
best judge in this direction. Try to minimise the time spent in useless company. Be on the alert.
Speak little.
Feel that the whole world is your own Self. Feel that all beings are your own Self. Develop
universal love. Live in God. Be kind to all. Take refuge in th
You are born for higher things. A glorious brilliant future is awaiting you. Do not think of
the past. Purify. Concentrate. Reflect. Meditate. March forward. Find thy rest in the Supreme Soul.
Do not be troubled by difficulties, adversities and sorrows. They instil mercy in thy heart.
They will help you in developing your will and power of endurance. They will make you wise and
help you in your evolution.
Be courageous. Never despair. Draw strength from within. Move forward. Feel the Divine
Develop patience, tolerance, mercy and love. Practise Vichara. Enquire, “Who am I?”
Serve others With Atma Bhava.
Have firm faith in Srutis and Sastras. Regulate your conduct when you deal with others.
Prostrate before everybody mentally. Possess a keen longing for liberation and intense Vairagya.
Be sincere and earnest. Develop your will-power. Conserve all leaking energy. Draw up a daily
routine and stick to it tenaciously. Grow. Expand. Get success in life. Realise God.
From "Light, Power and Wisd
Meditation is the Grand Trunk Road to attain Godhead. Without that no spiritual progress is
possible: Therefore, meditate. It will take you to the realm of Bhava Samadhi and make you drink
the honey of Prema and Nectar of Immortality.
Therefore, withdraw your mind from sensual objects. Fix it at the lotus feet of the Lord.
Merge in the Atman within. Practise silent meditation. Swim freely in the ocean of Atmic Bliss.
Float in the Divine joy. Tap the source. March directly towards the fountain-head o
Work with a heart within and God overhead. Have a profound faith in the will of
Providence. Meditate on the divine attributes of the Lord viz., mercy, cosmic love, beauty of
beauties and All-pervasiveness. You will get success in life and God-realisation.
Keep open the portals of your heart by removing selfishness, greed, lust, so that the
Almighty Lord may come and dwell therein. Give up all useless discussions and proceed
straightaway in the quest of the Self or God. You will possess immense inner
Allow the waves of love to arise constantly in your heart. Feel the warmth of the Divine
Love. Bask in the sunshine of Divine Love. Taste the bliss of the eternal life.
Do not murmur when you encounter difficulties, troubles, diseases and sorrows. Be
courageous. Endure them with patience. Turn your mind towards God. Cultivate serenity of mind.
Educate your will. You will possess tremendous inner spiritual strength. You will have rapid
spiritual progress.
Conquer your difficulties one by one. Do medit
God is the inner Ruler. He goads the body, mind and senses to work. Become an instrument
in the hands of the Lord. Do not expect thanks or appreciation for your work. Do actions as your
duty and offer them and their fruits to the Lord. You will be freed from the bonds of Karma. Your
heart will be purified soon.
Repeat the Mantra, “I am Thine, All is Thine, My Lord. Thy will be done.” Throw all burden
on Him and be at ease. Do not keep any desire for you. Destroy egoism completely, by
unconditional, u