hr (3)

How 200 hr Yoga-based Fitness Can Nurture Growth

Health and fitness practices differ depending on individual needs and goals; you are not going to go for deadlifts, for occasion, if your intention is to build some lean tone. And you’re probably going to want to graduate from power walking if you’re aiming for a 5k marathon.

Fortunately, 200 hr yoga-based fitness is for everyone. Coming from gentle, breath- and slower movement-focused yoga to powerful “hot” yoga, literally every person can find their groove in this fitness medium, reap substanti

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Ashtanga means 8 limbs where asht means eight and anga stands for limbs. The eight limbs are : Yama (attitudes toward our environment), Niyama(attitudes toward ourselves), Asana (physical postures), Pranayama(restraint or expansion of the breath), Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi(complete integration).


There are several benefits of doing yoga and especially ashtanga yoga.

I’ve tried to bring up the top 5 benefits of doing 200-hr ashtan

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8 Essential Tips On How To Do Yoga At Home

How to do yoga at home is one question asked by many, is it possible? Won't I need a yoga teacher? Won't I need yoga gear, a gym? And the right atmosphere? Yoga isn't any of these things. With the proper knowledge, dedication, and setup, you can easily practice yoga at home. Practicing yoga at home gives you an edge over learning yoga at a gym.

There are fewer distractions and no time limit. There is no need to race through your routines, which means a better meditative experience. Here are the b

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