I just returned from 3 days in nature, camping by a roaring river,animals all around, bonfires,cooking on the fire, and it always hits me- Life Is So Abundant!Many walk around with heavy minds feeling and saying, "I can'tafford this, I can't afford that, there's not enough to go around". Thenews often ignites this feeling of scarcity and "not enough". Whensitting out there in nature on a rock, overlooking the most splendid colors andviews, such perfect harmony and balance, it required NO money,
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Hello my beautiful souls!Happy new year (a little late, but better late than never), and let me assure you, this year is going to bring much encouragement, hope, forward motion, drive, positivity and you will need all your strength, your health, your positivity, to move with the flow of this AMAZING year.The "stuck" energy of 2009 is over ~ full blast forward.Let us together now, make a decision to be kind, to be helpful to others, to trust that we are enough, we have enough, and that we know en
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Blessings to you all, my wonderful souls, wherever you are at this very moment reading this, I urge you to look around you. Find something that pleases the eye and flood what ever or whomever it is, with love and appreciation. We never know where we will be tomorrow. Life has many surprises, appreciate when you can, wherever you can. Love, is the word, Love is what this time on this earth requires and hungers for more than anything else. Compassion, understanding... Use your gifts, your talents
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