yOGA (552)

Overcome Karma

Sanchita is destroyed by Brahma-Jnana. You will have to enjoy the Prarabdha. Agami has no binding force as there is no agency or egoism in the sage. Do not be attached to the work itself. You must be able to give it up at any moment.
Swami Sivananda


Taken from Amrita Gita, by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, 1887-1963. Copyright Divine Life Society, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh. More Informations: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video, Books by Swami Sivananda

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Three kinds of Karma

There are three kinds of Karma, viz., Sanchita, Prarabdha and Agami or Kriyamana. Sanchita is the accumulated storehouse of actions of previous births. Prarabdha is that part of Karma which has given rise to your present birth. Agami is current action.
Swami Sivananda


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes from Amrita Gita copyright The Divine Lif

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Share and serve

Share what you have with others. Serve the saints and sages.
Swami Sivananda


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes from Amrita Gita copyright The Divine Life Society

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Serve serve serve

Feed the poor. Clothe the naked. Comfort the distressed. Remove glass pieces from the road.
Swami Sivananda


By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Relaxation pose

Relax all the muscles through Savasana. Do this Asana in the end.
  • Swami Sivananda


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes from Amrita Gita copyright The Divine Life Society

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The effects of backward bends

Bhujanga, Salabha and Dhanur Asanas remove constipation and muscular rheumatism of the back.
Swami Sivananda

By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Shoulderstand, Plough and fish

Sarvanga, Hala and Ardhamatsyendra Asanas make the spine elastic. Sarvanga develops thyroid gland and bestows good health. It helps Brahmacharya and gives longevity.
Swami Sivananda

From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead you to the Absolute.

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Headstand - Shirshana

Sirshasana is the king of all Asanas. It strengthens the brain and the brain-centres and improves memory, and helps Brahmacharya.
Swami Sivananda


Swami Sivananda lived 1887-1963. His teachings are as much inspiring today as they were half a century ago. A life in accordance to his inspiration can lead you to joy, love and highest realisation. Quotes from Amrita Gita copyright The Divine Life Society

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Help others

If anyone is suffering from acute pain, shampoo/massage the painful part. Feel you are shampooing the body of the Lord.
Swami Sivananda


From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Effects of Karma

Karma Yoga prepares the mind for the reception of Divine Light, Divine Grace, and Divine Knowledge.
Swami Sivananda


By Swami Sivananda, from the Book Amrita Gita. Swami Sivananda lived from 1887-1963. He was one of the great Yoga Masters of the 20th Century who made Yoga available to a great public. Copyright of the texts of Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society Rishikesh

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Kriyas in Hatha Yoga

Dhauti (cleansing of stomach with a piece of cloth), Basti (drawing up of water through anus), Neti (cleansing of nostrils with the help of a thread), Nauli (manipulation of the abdominal muscles), Trataka (gazing on an object), Kapalabhati (a kind of Pranayama)—are the Shad Kriyas of Hatha Yoga.
  • Swami Sivananda


From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda

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Karma Yoga, the great purifier

Karma Yoga removes the impurities of the mind. It is a potent purifier of the heart.
Swami Sivananda


From the book: Amrita Gita, by Shri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, 1887-1963.Copyright The Divine Life Society, Rishikesh. More Infos from and about Swami Sivananda on German Site: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video

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Spend half an hour daily in the practice of Asanas and Pranayama. This will give you health, vim, vigour and vitality. This will remove all diseases.


From Amrita Gita by Swami Sivananda, copyright The Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda was a self-realized Master and a very practical Guru. Following His teachings can lead you to the Absolute.

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Reguluarity in Hatha Yoga

Reguluarity in Hatha Yoga

Be regular in your practice. Regularity is of paramount importance.
Bath and Asanas
Wait for half an hour after finishing Asanas for taking a bath.



Taken from Amrita Gita, by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, 1887-1963. Copyright Divine Life Society, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh. More Informations: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video, Books by Swami Sivananda

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