yOGA (552)

Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka

Puraka is inhalation of breath; Rechaka is exhalation; Kumbhaka is retention. Kumbhaka gives you longevity and energy.
Swami Sivananda


Taken from Amrita Gita, by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, 1887-1963. Copyright Divine Life Society, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh. More Informations: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video, Books by Swami Sivananda

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Anger as a result of meditataion


I had an interesting question today, so I thought I'd share the answer:

Ques: twice after meditation I found myself very angry and Itried to express it in a safe way but did bite my husband's head off. Any thoughts on the matter. (from Judy in New Zealand)

S.S. ans:
Yes, I do have very definite thoughts on the matter.Anger seems to be a VERY common reaction to meditation. People are usually confused by it, as you expect medtation to make you more peaceful and hence, less angry.
Meditation works t
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1. International Yoga Congress 2010 at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg

Download the Yogakongress 2010 Schedule in English
Kali Ray, Anna Trökes, Amadio Bianchi, Narayani, Swami Suddhananda, Swami Yogaswarupananda, Swami Atma, Shanmug Eckhardt, Leela Mata, Rita Keller, Pandit Dr. Dinesh Chandra Sati, Sukadev Bretz … and many other fascinating yoga masters and yoga greats, experience them up close and personal, let yourself be inspired ...

TriYoga®, ChiYoga, Kashmir Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Yoga by André van Lysebeth, Chakra Yoga, Hormone Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Laughing Y
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Ujjayi, Sitkari, Sukha-Purvaka, Suryabheda are different kinds of Pranayama. Through the practice of these Pranayamas Kevala-Kumbhaka results.
Swami Sivananda


Taken from Amrita Gita, by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, 1887-1963. Copyright Divine Life Society, Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh. More Informations: Sivananda photos, Sivananda Video, Books by Swami Sivananda

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Relationships and Cooperation between Chakras


I'm working on a chapter for my book that looks at how the chakras inter-relate and work with each other. Actually, the independent actions and particular characteristics of the various chakras can only be separated intellectually. The function of each chakra intricately blends with the workings of the others.

Tounderstanding the working of each chakra, it is important for you to see the bigger picture. In addition to taking in energy and acting as a transmitter for your thoughts and feelings,
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Thinking about Ishwara-pranidhana


Recently, I've been working with the principle of "ishwara-pranidhana". The last of Patanjali's niyamas is usually translated as "self-surrender" or "surrender to the Lord". This is a hard one for many modern yogis, many of whom don't seem to be inclined to surrender to anyone or any teaching.

You may feel that you do not relate to the concept of "God" — or that you do not really know who or what God is — or even whether God really exists. You may (understandably) be loath to commit to doing th

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Midsummer Weekend


Loving greetings on thisauspicious Midsummer weekend

I’ve just returned from a few daysin Dorset at the Midsummer Festival that was organised by the Independent Network.

I’d like to say a special “thanks” toBhavani, who drove me down and back. I always enjoy the drive to Dorset. Soon after leaving London, you come to the awe-inspiring Salisbury Plains. One can imagine why it was a holy place in ancient times. The view and feeling of spaciousness is still exciting today, especially when you come
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New town - New perspective

It has been a while since my last message. I have relocated to a small artist town north of L.A. called Ojai, where my life has become peaceful, with orange trees, avocados, and doing my shopping at the local farmer's marked, bicycling everywhere, recording music, living healthy... and happy.
The buzz of L.A. is not far away, yet it feels like a world a part.
What I have discovered is: I sleep better, and why? I never slept very well, and always thought it was something wrong with me. I was told b
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Yoga Question Site

There is a new Yoga question site being started up by Swami Atma. It is inthe excellent Q&A system from StackExchange, you can get there fromthis link If you are interested you can go there, log in, becomea follower, and propose questions which would be appropriate and some which are not. This could be a great meeting point for yogis of all traditions around the world.

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Mind of a Sannyasin - Vivekananda

Lately I have been reading "Vivekananda - A Biography" by Swami Nikhilananda. It's a really good book, and if you are interested in knowing about the great yogi and sannyasin Swami Vivekananda and how he did a lot to bring eastern thinking and vedanta to America, this is the book for you.

I especially like this quote from the book which is a story about an event that happened with Swami Vivekananda and which I think demonstrates the detachment of a true sannyasin's mind:

"He [Swami Vivekananda] w

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Kerala Ayurveda Academy

I am writing to share with everyone a tremendous source of free content on the internet. Our page has educational videos, articles, and learning tools that you may find helpful and useful. You will be able to view educational videos of our Ayurvedic classes by visiting. To visit the website simply click on:http://www.ayurvedaacademy.comThank you for your time!Enjoy!
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2010... YES!!!

Hello my beautiful souls!Happy new year (a little late, but better late than never), and let me assure you, this year is going to bring much encouragement, hope, forward motion, drive, positivity and you will need all your strength, your health, your positivity, to move with the flow of this AMAZING year.The "stuck" energy of 2009 is over ~ full blast forward.Let us together now, make a decision to be kind, to be helpful to others, to trust that we are enough, we have enough, and that we know en
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This unusual article by Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh was originally published in Bhavan’s Journal in May of 1959

It would be easy to dismiss the question by saying: “Yes, after a prolonged period of intense austerities and meditation, while I was living in Swargashram, and when I had the darshan of a number of maharshis and their blessings, the Lord appeared before me in the form of Sri Krishna.”

But that would not be the whole truth, nor a sufficient answer to a question relating to God, who is i

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Slowing down...

Three days in nature, cooking on the fire, swimming nude in the cleanest river you can imagine, everything is in perfect harmony. In the city our senses get bombarded, and with the news telling us constantly how miserable the planet is, it can be blinding...blinding to the fact that great balance is found in large amounts of this world. Out there on the earth in a sleeping bag, everything works together, the birds are busy doing their thing, the spiders are busy working,the butterflies grace the
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Hi all take my namaste . If you are suffering from various Problem then always remember there is something disturbed. So to make it Proper try to take a real powerful steps . I had got real Miraculas support in various Critical situations and thus make me relieved . Without having a great Expense and incident happen this is only some Instance I am discussing. If you believe in Yagna and Hom then you must agree with me each and every Planet is linked with our physical structure . We have a very E
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Iyengar yoga Center in houston

Houston Iyengar Yoga is directed by Pauline Schloesser. Pauline is a dedicated Iyengar yoga instructor and teacher. Pauline teaches at Studio A of the Heights School of Yoga, Houston Texas.

Learn about Iyengar Yoga.Iyengar yoga, one of the world's most widely-practiced methods, emphasizes correct alignment of all parts of the body within each yoga posture. This precision builds strength and stamina--balance and flexibility--and a new sense of well-being.

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