I ...
... am a Yoga Teacher
I am an expert in the following areas:
REIKI GRAND MASTER.&PRANIC HEALER, Psychotherapist,Lamma-ferra Master,karuna reiki master,Magnified healer,teaching Grand Mastr ship 5th to 18th levels, & other modelties .pl watch my web
My Yoga tradition/style/center, Yoga practice, Yoga Master/s, Teacher/s
Osho reiki healing centre, pune ,solan, HP.
More about me:
Every one is appointed by God, but we forgotten completely our mission. We have forgotten even why we are here. & who we are, .from where we came…&where to go? ? We are living in deep forgetfulness, and we call it
And people who are so utterly forgetful of everything think themselves intelligent people. if you ask the awakened ones they will call this sheer foolishness. So drop your self .God know what u want…if I say u what u want from your life,? You exactly., don’t know. Just surrender your self. The law of attraction will give u.................
About me ..
Traditional Reiki Grand Master,Karuna- Reiki master,Su-jok Expert ,Kriya- Yoga of Mahaavtar Baba ji, Magnified-Healing,crystal therapy,Tarat-Reader,Haroscope, Acupressure,Pranic-Healer, Lama -Ferra (ANCIENT ART OF HEALING BY TIBETAN MATHOD).. My hobbies listen music. play guitar ^key it self with joy ...take healing classes& kriya-yoga. initiation meet......& love is door towards GOD.almighty.;My blessing to all of you.with..unconditional . love, love to all....
bottom:6px;color:#FFFFFF;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:11.4px;">CURRENT MOON
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My Favorite Quote/What inspires me:
I AM NOT IN THIS BODY , I AM THE SOUL...I am not in this universe but whole universe with in me>>>???????
Why I want to join this Yoga Community
To help peoples
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Namasté Dr.Darshan Singh,
Happy Birthday to you.
May the light of this auspicious day bring health, love and everlasting peace to your life, body and soul.
Om Shanti
Omkara - Member of Yoga Vidya e.V. Socialmedia Team
Namasté Dr.Darshan Singh,
Happy Birthday to you.
May the light of this auspicious day bring love and everlasting peace to your life and soul.
Om Shanti
Omkara - Member of Yoga Vidya e.V. Socialmedia Team
thanks dear bro
Namasté Dr. Darshan,
happy birthday to you.
May your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Ravidas - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam
Om Shanti Dr.Darshan Singh,
Happy birthday to you!
May your day today be full of miracles, sunshine and happiness! We wish you inner peace, love, lightness and overwhelming joy!
Loving Greetings!
Om Shanti!
Your Yoga Vidya Team.
Serve, love, give, purify,
meditate, realize.
Be good, do good,
be kind, be compassionate.
Adapt, adjust, accommodate.
Bear insult, bear injury,
highest Sadhana.
Bear insult, bear injury,
highest Yoga.
Enquire “Who am I?”
Know Thy Self and be free.
Om Tat Sat, Om Tat Sat,
Om Tat Sat Om.
Om Shāntih, Om Peace,
Om Shalom Om
Brahman is the only real entity.
Mr So-and-so is a false non-entity.
You cannot attain this in the
By Yoga Sadhana you can attain
Swami Sivananda
Happy birthday darshan,
may your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Eduard - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam

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Om Shanti