Healing (64)

New town - New perspective

It has been a while since my last message. I have relocated to a small artist town north of L.A. called Ojai, where my life has become peaceful, with orange trees, avocados, and doing my shopping at the local farmer's marked, bicycling everywhere, recording music, living healthy... and happy.
The buzz of L.A. is not far away, yet it feels like a world a part.
What I have discovered is: I sleep better, and why? I never slept very well, and always thought it was something wrong with me. I was told b
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Slowing down...

Three days in nature, cooking on the fire, swimming nude in the cleanest river you can imagine, everything is in perfect harmony. In the city our senses get bombarded, and with the news telling us constantly how miserable the planet is, it can be blinding...blinding to the fact that great balance is found in large amounts of this world. Out there on the earth in a sleeping bag, everything works together, the birds are busy doing their thing, the spiders are busy working,the butterflies grace the
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New Week, let your light shine!!

Hi my friends,This week, please stay alert and look for the magic, and the synchronicity that life will bring you. Remember, you are so talented with SO much to offer the world. Don't you DARE put yourself down... ever! Don't you DARE believe you can't accomplish something you feel passionate about. When you say, "I can't", you are saying you know better than the universe. I don't believe you are as limited as you may tell yourself at times. Be open, my friend :-) Leave the door open a tiny crac
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Hello beautiful souls

How are you today? Feeling good? Whatever you are experiencing... it will pass. Yes, time washes us down this eventful river of life, and the key is to be fully present, as we travel. And where is is our emotional state while traveling? Are we creating a higher, vibrant life today or are we digging a hole of anger and frustration?If we only knew the POWER of our emotions, our feelings set the tone for our future. I've had some crappy days, and it is not easy, shifting my misery fest into one of
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