(Panchadasi, 10.14)
As a lamp reveals all objects while remaining in its own place, so does the witness-consciousness, itself ever motionless, illumine the objects with and without(including the workings of the mind).
(Panchadasi, 10.15)
("Primeval Center" )
On a background of Wall Street Bailout and the Large Hadron Collider, “Void” paints the Buddhist concept of emptiness.
In Buddhism, the realization of emptiness of inherent existence is a “state of pure consciousness” in which the practitioner realizes all particular objects and images to be appearances of the subjective mind.
The song is made up of twelve short verses, one longer vocal interlude, and no chorus. The vocal sections are tied together with short in
I spent most of the second half of January writing an essay on the concept of sin, its meaning and its implications.
Actually, this is a matter that has been hovering in and out of my mind since the end of July 2011, but I guess I wasn't ready to tackle it until recently.
Originally, I thought it would take the form of a blog post, albeit a longer than usual one. However, I quickly discovered that I had a lot to say on the subject,