mind (3)

yoga essence

Scientists estimate that an average person has 50,000 thoughts each day. Most of these thoughts serve only to avoid the opportunity of living and appreciating the present moment.
The root of yoga is to still the mind without distraction and be in the present moment.
Yoga can make life extraordinary by opening up creative channels by removing dark and cloudy layers of perception and negative thought processes.
As long as one can breath, one can practice yoga.
Yoga is great for people who engage in s

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The Music Of Poligraf : Void part 2

("Primeval Center" )

On a background of Wall Street Bailout and the Large Hadron Collider, “Void” paints the Buddhist concept of emptiness.

From Wikipedia :

In Buddhism, the realization of emptiness of inherent existence is a “state of pure consciousness” in which the practitioner realizes all particular objects and images to be appearances of the subjective mind.

The song is made up of twelve short verses, one longer vocal interlude, and no chorus. The vocal sections are tied together with short in

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