kapha (2)

Doshas in Ayurveda: A Guide For Beginners

Ayurveda has a history of being one of the oldest medicinal and holistic approach to a healthy life. With a focus on living and eating habits, Ayurveda offers complete body healing. The center point of Ayurveda revolves around five elements: space, water, earth, fire, and air. A combination of one or more elements forms doshas in Ayurveda.

The following are the three primary doshas in Ayurveda. Check them out.

  • Vata

  • Pitta

  • Kapha


Characteristics of Different Doshas in Ayurveda

Anyone can determine their

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Ayurveda Doshas - Vata, Pita and Kapha

When practicing Yoga, it might be helpful to know your Ayurveda Dosha:
  • A Vata type might have to practice more calmly than he is naturally inclined to
  • A Pitta type should make sure to include relaxation and meditation
  • A Kapha type should practice activating practices like Kapalabhati
Of course, if one is in one's natural Prakriti, one can follow the intuition. But if one is out of balance, then one should counteract the effects of the inclination.

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