tägliche (113)


Even a spark of desire is a very great evil. Watch each sense when it goes astray. Withdraw it. Practice abstraction again and again. Curb all your passions slowly through Japa, prayer, meditation, Satsang, study of scriptures and Sattwic food. Remain ever free and delighted in your own all-blissful Atman or Soul.
Meditation is death for the mind, the demoniacal king of the passions and the senses. The more you polish the surface of your inner heart by practicing dispassion and meditation, the mo
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O Ram, speak the truth at all cost. See Radha in all women. Be humble like a blade of grass. Be kind and good. Always sing the Name of Krishna. Let the Mantra, Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya be ever on your lips. May Lord Krishna protect you!
There is neither good nor evil, neither pain nor pleasure in the universe. Every man creates a world of good and evil and pleasure or pain out of his imagination only.
Realize more and more your true, essential divine nature.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivana
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Neither charity, nor sacrifice, nor fame, nor even possession of great powers can stand in comparison to realization of the Self.
You might have crossed the ocean. You might have conquered your pride, delusion and envy. You might have even dwelt among the gods in heaven. Yet, these attainments are nothing when compared to the bliss of God-realization and liberation.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on Swami Sivananda: on the Website of Divine Life Society, Pho
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If you get up during Brahmamuhurta you will have a clear and calm mind. There is a spiritual influence and mysterious silence during the early morning hours. Brahmamuhurta is the period from 3:30 am till sunrise.
All saints and Yogis practice meditation at this period and send their spiritual vibrations to the whole world. You will be greatly benefited by their vibrations if you commence your prayer, meditation and Japa at this period. You need not exert. The meditative mood will come by itself w
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Remain in the world but be not of the world. The world is a great teacher. It is the best arena for developing virtues.
Poverty is the root of many virtues. It not only makes one humble but also confers fortitude and power of endurance. It generates thoughts of God. Wearing clothes is not for the enhancement of one's beauty and personal appearance. This body is a dirty leather-bag filled with various sorts of impurities. Clothing is meant for covering this impure body. Wear simple clothes. Have p
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If you fail to keep your resolves, then make fresh resolves. Just as a child falls many times when it tries to walk without the help of a wall, just as a new cyclist falls from the cycle a number of times before he learns to sit steadily on the seat, so also a new aspirant will fail a number of times in his resolves. He has to make repeated attempts before eventually coming out successful.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on Swami Sivananda: on the Website of
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What does a passionate man do? He repeats the same ignoble act and fills his stomach as many times as he can.
What does an aspirant with burning desire for Self-realization do? He takes a little milk and repeats the process of meditation the whole day and night, and eventually enjoys the bliss of the immortal Self.
Both the worldly man and the aspirant are busy in their own ways. The former is caught in the wheel of births and deaths while the latter attains immortality and peace.
The mind can be c
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Write your lshta Mantra in a notebook for half an hour, observing silence and without any distraction. Write in bold letters on slips of paper: Speak the truth; Om courage; Om purity; I must realize God now; time is most precious; I must become a true Brahmachari; Brahmacharya is divine life; I am an embodiment of faith, courage, purity, patience and mercy. Fix these mottoes in the bedroom and dining hall.
Keep some of the slips in your pocket also. This is an easy way of developing virtuous qual
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Action is the source of all virtue, wealth and desire. He who has no activity, has no energy or valour. The end of virtue and wealth is the attain¬ment of salvation. He who does not practice virtue commits sin. The fruit of righteous actions and of wealth accrue to one either in this birth or the next.
Overcome anger by love, lust by purity, greed by liberality, pride by humility, egoism by surrender to God. You will become divine and enjoy eternal bliss.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1
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Five things are necessary if you desire to practice vigorous and deep meditation and attain the Self quickly. They are: the vow of silence, light diet or diet of milk and fruit, personal contact with a Guru, a place with charming scenery, and a cool place.
Build a strong spiritual fortress through regular meditation. Develop a magnetic aura around you which cannot be penetrated even by the mighty messengers of Maya or Satan. Your will should be rendered strong, pure and irresistible by ceaseless
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Start the spiritual current from this very moment. Nil desperandum! March boldly on the spiritual path. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita: "Even if the most sinful worships Me with an undivided heart, he, too, must be accounted as righteous, for he has rightly resolved. Speedily he becomes a virtuous person and attains eternal peace and immortality. 0 Kaunteya, know thou for certain that My devotee never perishes".
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on Swa
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When there is a desire the mind is filled with Rajas. It is in an agitated condition It is restless and unpeaceful.
The mind remains in this restless condition till the desired object is attained. After the object has been attained and enjoyed, it becomes thought-free. Its functions cease for some time, it is filled with Sattwa. It becomes introvert. The bliss of the Atman is reflected in the mind. There is no real pleasure in objects; it is only the bliss of the Atman that one experiences in the
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Diplomacy only creates suspicion arid hatred in others. You can win the hearts of all through love, frankness and simplicity. You can capture the hearts of others through selfless service and humility.
He who has given up selfishness and greed and is endowed with courage, fearlessness, patience, love and mercy, is alone fit for attaining Self-realization.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on Swami Sivananda: on the Website of Divine Life Society, Photographs of
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Discrimination, dispassion and serenity should become habitual qualities of your nature. Then you will become a cosmic friend and benefactor.
To be jealous is mean, to be selfish is ignoble, to be compassionate is divine, to be patient is manly, to be content and happy is wise, to be calm and serene is glorious, to be dispassionate is praiseworthy, to be equanimous is laudable. Therefore, eradicate selfish¬ness and jealousy and cultivate divine virtues. Take complete refuge in the Supreme Lord. Y
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The mind can cure all the physical diseases of the body through its harmonious and healthy thoughts. This is because all physical diseases take their origin in mental ill-health.
Lack of cheerfulness contributes to ill-health, if one is ever cheerful and entertains divine thoughts, one will have perfect health at all times. It is in your power to enjoy good health as long as you like.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on Swami Sivananda: on the Website of Divin
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Simplicity is freedom front duplicity, affectation or pretension. In dress, in food, in character, in style, in manners, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity. There is beauty and majesty in simplicity. It is nature's first step and the last of her arts.
Be what you say and say what you are. Write as you speak and speak as you think. Be simple like a child. The door of Moksha will then be opened to you.
The greatest of truths are the simplest, and so are the greatest of men. Goodness
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A kind, pure, loving and merciful heart is the garden; virtuous impressions are the seeds; sublime, divine thoughts are the roots; Sattwic qualities are the sprouts; kind, loving and truthful words are the leaves; virtuous actions are the blossoms; Moksha is the fruit. Therefore, develop mercy and entertain divine thoughts.
Truth is the seed, celibacy or Brahmacharya is the root, meditation is the shower, peace is the flower, Moksha is the fruit. Therefore, always speak the truth, practice Brahma
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Good manners are minor morals. They are the shadows of virtue. They are the blossoms of good sense and good feelings.
Pride, ill-nature, want of good sense, arrogance and impatience are the sources of ill-manners. Good manners are a part of good morals. They are rare gifts. They easily and rapidly ripen into morals.
Be simple, humble and unostentatious. Say little or nothing about yourself.
From "Daily Sayings" by Swami Sivananda (1987-1963). More Informations on Swami Sivananda: on the Website of
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When you feel extremely drowsy at night, you do not eat even if a very delicious dish is offered at that moment. You have no desire to attend any kind of musical performance either. All that you want then is peaceful rest.
This clearly proves that the mind wants rest and not objects. Worldly people do nor know where to find rest and how to get it. They try to get this rest or peace from external objects. They fail hopelessly in their attempts. Perennial peace can be had in one's Self only through
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An aspirant should be sensitive and yet have the body and nerves completely under control. The greater the sensitiveness, tile more difficult is the task. There are many sounds that pass unheeded by ail ordinary person but which are torture to one who is very sensitive.
Neophytes on the spiritual path often mistake their own impulses and imagination for the inner voice or divine command or intuition. Only when the mind is Sattwic will you get flashes or glimpses of intuition.
From "Daily Sayings"
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