Hi! I learnt basic yoga and regularly practised for 10 months. I couldn t do it for d past 3 months and put on 5 kgs. Suggest a good asana to lose 10 kgs atleast in six months time. Thanks! This question was asked on our facebook page and received se
This excerpt is from the book " Talks on Sankara's Vivekachoodamani " by Swami Chinmayananda
The fear and sorrow created by the delusory serpent on the rope can be ended only after fully ascertaining the truth of the rope which is available for reco
Published from the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Toronto, Canada Html formatted version of this guru-gram available at http://www.sivananda.org/gurugram
Once King Yadu saw Lord Dattatreya (Avadhoot) in a forest and addressed him "Sir, you are indeed quite capable, energetic and wise. Such as you are, why do you live in the forest, free from all desires? Even though you have neither kith and kin nor e
Those who chant divine mantras without receiving them from a Sadgurudev is worthless and wasting their most valuable time instead. Therefore those who really seek for such PARASHAKTI must look for a Sadgurudev.
To enable to accomplish the absolute for spiritual knowledge, power and kriya the initial duty of a Sadgurudev for his disciples are to fulfill the required necessities of material life so that they can move forward
I'm trying to figure out what is the exact reason to turn the body to the right when you're still laying down after finishing the relaxation. I'm not sure whether is a ritual movement, or because of anatomical or prana reasons.
I've brought yoga to a smalll community. Every month about two new people wander into the studio and two mysteriously dissappear. I've been in business six months. Any ideas on how to grow the biz?
Naturopath SR Jindal believes the benefits of yogasanas are manifold and that they score over physical exercise. He lists why yogic exercise is the better option
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras describe asanas as “sthiram sukam asana
Hari Om!
Just would like to let you know about next worldwide repetition of Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, that will be held on Saturday, November 12th, 2011.
It will be dedicated primarily to peace and consciousness upliftment in Mexico.
To get more info
It is just to let you all inform that how spiritually you are. It is a kind of questionnaire for self-testing of spiritual path you are walking on. There are much more however if you are gone through these then think you are some thing different from
The one who is simple is the one who is free from pain.@ : When I am simple I am able to be free from pain or hurt even in adverse situations. I am able to take benefit from the wealth of experiences accumulated over the past without feeling the pain
Maya does not exist from the standpoint of Reality.Maya is only an explanation of creation given by those who hold creation to be a fact. None (is) in bondage, none liberated, this is the ultimate truth. Yogis look upon mind as separate from Atman, t