yoga (552)

Top seven Yoga tips for newcomers


Those who are a newcomer to yoga practice can frequently think it is challenging to settle in. It feels as though you'll have to master a completely new language in addition to learning to regulate and manipulate your body into the diverse postures, referred to as asanas. Yoga isn't just tricky for beginners, and it is equally challenging for long-term practitioners. While one progresses in doing yoga, the challenges change in their nature, but they are present nonetheless. Don't forget, in real

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It’s natural to feel the nerves before an important day, a big speech or a date. Every human feels excitement, fear, sadness, joy and a multitude of other emotions. Without them, we’d be boring robots. Sometimes we may need to be conscious and not get too carried away by these feelings. After all, we live in the modern world where time is of essence and sadly, we may not have enough time to fully give into feelings.

People do judge books by their covers. Especially in the corporate world. If you

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India is a place where yoga was born and nurtured since time immemorial. Since ages yoga has been nurtured in India by our sages and gifted to the world. It is a place where you will breathe authentic yoga and learns the real meaning of it. In the western world, somehow yoga has lost its true essence, it has limited you its physical aspect of yoga asana, but it is far more than it. It is a science developed by great Indian sages to master their body and mind as a guide to spiritual enlightenment

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I have joined RishikeshYTTC for 7 days retreat in Rishikesh and i gladly say that the retreat i have had was really great. All staff,yoga teachers were really nice. 

On First day after completing our classes we got the chance to visit  Rishikesh City. Rishikesh city is full up with ornaments  articles with affordable prices. I bought pure sphatik  mala for only Rs 550 isn't it cheaper lol. At 5 pm our yoga classes started again and practice meditation which was my longest mediation great thing wa

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That day by day appreciation rundown isn't only an adorable expansion to your projectile diary. There are such huge numbers of genuine, experimentally established changes that occur in your brain, body, soul, and in general life when you develop appreciation… Your physical wellbeing can improve through lower feelings of anxiety, prompting diminished pulse, less aggravation, better rest, a more grounded safe framework, and considerably more through yoga courses. Your emotional well-being can like

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All about Anxiety Disorder

Feeling anxious is not something out of order, it is a normal emotion. Thus, having anxiety is not a big deal but anxiety disorder is.

Many people do not know the difference between anxiety and anxiety disorder. A lot thinks that anxiety disorder is as inconsequential as anxiety, and several others think of anxiety as a mental disorder. See! So much perplexity. Woof!
Today we are going to tell you all about anxiety disorder which should be known by everyone. Furthermore, we shall also discuss how

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Rishikesh is an incredible place to find solace, peace, and rediscovering yourself. It is a place where you might be surrounded by people but can still experience the harmony and solitude. No wonder why in the ancient time Sadhus and yogis chose this place to meditate and practice yoga.


In this holy and spiritual land, the yoga ashram Chandra Yoga International is located and thriving day by day. However, the location and ambiance of this ashram is quite different and distinctive than other ashra

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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Choosing the Right Yoga TTC School for a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in course Rishikesh India

Taking a 200 hour yoga teacher training Course in Rishikesh is all about taking your personal yoga skills to the next level, where you are able to share them with other people. There are many big and small yoga institutes present in every city, all over the world, these days. However, by joining these classes, you will never be able to learn the many intricate techniques of this art form, which you w

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Weight reduction is no simple undertaking, particularly in this day and age where we're continually barraged with informing about not being sufficient. Best case scenario, it can feel like an overwhelming undertaking and at the very least getting thinner can make a ton of mental and passionate pressure that we store in our bodies and brains until we figure out how to discharge it. What's more, shockingly this is a wonder that most of us manage at some point in our lives.
However, imagine a scen

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yoga has become a modern way of regaining health and connecting to one’s inner peace. Recent studies suggest that a daily practise of 25 minutes has an enormous effect on both mental and physical states of being.
Pranayama is also known as breath control. It’s the part of yoga that focuses on the breath. Regulating the breath modifies the thought process.

Nasal Breathing or Anulom Velom stands for extended inhalation and exhalation through the nasal cavities. Retention plays an important role as

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While K. Pattabhi Jois popularized Vinyasa yoga within the Western world, Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, (Ashtanga that means 8-limbed path in ancient Hindooism teachings) has arguably been around for hundreds of years. In several circles, it's merely called ‘flow’ yoga since the posture ar practiced very similar to Hindu deity Namaskara, or sun salutations, during a continuous result one movement to a different coordinated with the breath. Yoga improve back pain relief, yoga is marvelous as a result of

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How Yoga Teaches Generosity

Yoga teacher training in India has modified my read of generosity. I actually have learned to grant while not expectation and to perpetually stay conscious of the standard of my generosity. After all, generosity in 300 hour YTTC relies partially on 2 of the 5 Yamas:

Generosity is that the opposite of taking (Asteya) whereby we tend to share freely with a centered, quality effort.

A generous person sees life through a prism of abundance rather than deficiency. In yoga teacher training in Goa and yo

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5 Key Edges of Being Positive

Our hearts area unit sort of a safe within the energy bank of our bodies. We tend to every have our own security personnel within the multi-style yoga teacher training that protects us and determines however we tend to feel, suppose and performance. This energy field ensures the security of our hearts. And since energy is all over and in everything we must always learn the way to create in progress positive deposits into our happiness checking account.

I have studied the analysis yoga teacher tra

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Learning Yoga in your Summer Holidays

Spring has just started and we are now patiently waiting for summer. Have you made any traveling plans yet? There are so many beautiful places out there. Combining your summer holidays with yoga will be a memorable and enriching experience.
Learning yoga during your summer holidays will definitely bring you a great sense of relaxation. And it will also help you to become a stronger and happier individual. A busy lifestyle lets us store a lot of tension and stiffness. Are you craving some stress

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5 ways in which yoga helps

Yoga teacher training in India suggests that union. During a world that bombards us with clichés relating to a mind, body & spirit affiliation, this can be vital. However in real folks terms, what’s the affiliation between the poses (asanas), respiratory (pranayama), philosophy, and Western psychology?

Yogic ways cowl the complete field of our existence — from the physical, sensory, emotional, mental, and non secular to the very best self-realization. It includes all ways of upper evolution in hu

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I completed my yoga certification courses in India simply over 2 years past this past Jan. As in most general two hundred registered yoga alliance certification, we tend to spent a awfully transient section of our time learning the way to teach to pregnant girls. Maybe as a result of i'm not a mother, and have not been pregnant, I didn’t retain abundant of the data that I learned throughout that module of coaching from yoga teacher training

So, after I was inevitably two-faced with pregnant m

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Did you know that yoga can really help you in managing stress, tension and anxiety? Recent studies from the University of Cambridge suggest that practising yoga asanas (postures) for 20 minutes per day have stress-releasing effect on both body and mind.

Especially if you have a demanding job, you might feel stressed out a lot. Stress can lead to negative thoughts and mental and physical disease.

Today we will share some useful postures, called the 5 Tibetans, to help you manage your stress level a

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Have you ever felt your vital sign rise and breath quicken throughout times of acute stress? have you ever ever trembled with excitement? If therefore, you recognize that trauma, emotions and reminiscences will show up in our physical bodies during a form of ways that. Last week, I touched on the koshas, energetic layers that structure the body’s physical and refined forms. From the angle of the koshas, we all know that what we tend to feel showing emotion effects North American nation physicall

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Yoga for Back Pain Relief

Do you practise yoga already or a you a newbie? No matter how familiar you are with yoga, today I will share
some useful tips and postures with you that can help you to relieve back pain, stiffness and headaches.
You might suffer from back pain due to an office job and spending many hours every day on the desk or in front of a computer. If not, you might just have the habit to hunch your back or curve your lumbar spine due to a dislocation or wrong posture.
Anyways, yoga asanas can be your greate

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For Ruth Golden, 76, a Massachusetts yoga teacher, one in every of the items that stands out most regarding her passage through change of life was her psychological state. “My mind got terribly busy,” she said. “Yoga teacher training in India helped ME to quiet down and to urge additional relaxing sleep.” Golden’s expertise is not any fluke. A recent review examined the impact of 300 hour YTTC on biological time ladies. The findings were clear and consistent across 13 randomised studies: yoga he

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