Chaweng - Ko Samui
I ...
... am a Yoga Practicioner, ... am a Yoga Teacher
I am an expert in the following areas:
still learning...
My Yoga tradition/style/center, Yoga practice, Yoga Master/s, Teacher/s
RYT 200 - in Hatha, Ashtanga/Vinyasa, Pranayama, Chakra, Mantra, Kirtan @ Siddhartha Yoga Center - Baghsunath/India - trained with Yogi Shivam. since September 2009 Member of Absolute Yoga Ko Samui - have partaken in Sessions of Bikram, Hatha, Ying, Restorative, Pilates - practice Yoga/Meditation daily to remain immersed in what is understood as the Brahman. - OM -
More about me:
I came in touch with the whole of Vedanta/yoga/spiritual heritage of India in the early 70 whilst given the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" by a traveler at a beach near Rabat/Morocco, it thus inspired me that, that 2 years later, I subsequently went to India to see for myself and studied, the Srimad Mahabagavata, read the Upanishads, the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Aurobindo, Krishnamurti, Shivananda, Yogananda, Hariananda, Ole Nydahl, Fridjoff Capra, Dalai Lama, Lama Thupten Zopa Rimpotche, Lama Anagarika Govinda, Lau Dan, Dschung Tze.. just to name a "few", been on frequent visits to India, Sri Lanka and Nepal at many places, holy sites - Ramana Mahrishis Ashram, Neem Karolis Baba's Ashram in Vrindavan, in the Buddhist Vihara in Varanasi, Wat Sam Chan in Sai Yok District of Kanchanburi/Thailand
My Favorite Quote/What inspires me:
"The Absolute is not bound - not bound to its infinite existence, not bound to its infinite consciousness and the force inherent in that consciousness, not bound to its infinite bliss." - Sri Aurobindo -
I like South East Asia, travelled it far and wide, India, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Nepal and Bali being the Hot Spots, in Australia I had a five years stunt, since then Samui has become my HQ, working in the Tourism Industry by now for over 15 years and live all together here on Samui Island for over 20 years! Recently completed finally a longstanding wish - the Yoga-Teachers RYT® Training in Baghsunnath/India I love Asian Cooking, all the exotic flavors, the fruits, the incredible variety of dishes, its culture, the traditions and most of all the people
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Namasté MK,
Happy Birthday to you.
May the light of this auspicious day bring health, love and everlasting peace to your life, body and soul.
Om Shanti
Omkara - Member of Yoga Vidya e.V. Socialmedia Team
Namaste MK,
Happy Birthday to you.
May the light of this auspicious day bring love and everlasting peace to your life and soul.
Om Shanti
Sarah - Member of Yoga Vidya e.V. Socialmedia Team
Namasté MK,
happy birthday to you.
May your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Ravidas - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam
Hallo mk,
happy birthday to you.
May your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Eduard - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam
The spammer is deleted
Thank you for your message
love and compassion,
may your wildest dreams come true.
Om shanti
Eduard - Member of Yoga Vidya e. V. Webteam
Thank you for your help with the spammer. She is banned now form this site
Om Shanti

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Om Shanti