darshan (14)

If you are totally in the moment..

So forget the whole world while you are eating. Eating, just eat; walking, just walk; listening, just listen; talking, just talk and remain totally in it, alert, aware of each gesture, each nuance. And slowly you will get the knack of it, the hang of it ...
... The process can be reduced into a simple formula: whatsoever you do, do it but remain alert.

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Lack of sincerity. and respectful, then the hearts of others will open to us. A positive highway of trust is built and communication flows positively.

* Creating negative perceptions (understandings) and emotions about others i.e. how we visualize or label them. Such emotions, no matter how well hidden, are finally always communicated to others on a subtle (non-physical), non-verbal level, and create an atmosphere of tension and unease.

* Not letting go of negative perceptions (understandings) and

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We are directly connected to the Earth and exist as part of the Earth. Like a baby that is in their mother’s womb, the body of the mother is actually the OUTER body of the baby. So anything that happens to the mother forms an energetic imprint and affects the child. For example, if the mother smokes or drinks alcohol during the pregnancy, this goes directly to the child and forms imprints, which may manifest as physical birth deformities or genetic problems which eventually manifest into physica

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No devotee of any religion should be satisfied with untested beliefs and dogmas, but should engage himself in practical efforts to attain God –realization. Union with spirit is possible only when the devotee, casting aside the superficial method of ceremonial worship or of the ineffective’ going into the silence’’ begins to practice a scientific technique of God –realization.
One cannot reach this goal just by mental meditation. Only deep concentration that disconnects the mind from breath, life

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sex is very lowest point..when this energy goes up word its become God ,,,RAM IF IT IS GOES DOWN WORD IT BECOME UR ULTIMATE WORLD.....UR PHYSICALWORLD..
The simple truth is that sex is the starting point of love. Sex is the beginning of the journey to love. The origin, the Gangotri of the Ganges of Love, is sex, passion -- and everybody behaves like its enemy. Every culture, every religion, every guru, every seer has attacked this Gangotri, this source, and the river has remained bottled up. Th

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Understanding your Heart and its Diseases

Heart diseases are the world’s largest killers, claiming 17.3 million lives a year. Governments all over the world are leaving no stone unturned in controlling the spread of these diseases. Billions are being spent on research and development of medicines and surgical procedures that can help heart patients. Despite all this, heart disease and its many manifestations continue to attack the global populace with ease. This just proves that there’s something amiss somewhere.

So, where are we going

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Remember, only that which you can take with you when you leave the body is important. That means, except meditation, nothing is important. Except awareness, nothing is important, because only awareness cannot be taken away by death. Everything else will be snatched away, because everything else comes from without.

Only awareness wells up within. That cannot be taken away. And the shadows of awareness - compassion, love - they cannot be taken away. They are intrinsic parts of awareness. You will b
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If you are beginning to question your life, to wonder why you are here, and why certain things are happening to you, then you are ready to start looking deeper into yourself and the Universe. The fastest, most accurate way of finding your true inner voice is to meditate. Now some people have an idea of meditation as being the need to
sit in some ridiculously uncomfortable position for hours at a time - with your
legs and arms all contorted into some strange posture. But believe me, meditation is n
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Be in the Present.......

Withdraw your energy from the past. Don't waste your time in memories. What is gone is gone. Say goodbye to it and close the chapter.

What has not come yet has not come yet. Don't unnecessarily waste your time and energy in imagination, because no imagination is ever fulfilled. It is because of this that the proverb exists in every language: "Man proposes, and God disposes" because you imagine a certain thing in the future, and it is never so.

Withdrawing yourself from past and future, you will be
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A Play of Consciousness.....

A really mature person cannot be serious, there is nothing to be serious about. The whole of life is fun, it is a play, a play of consciousness. And that's what meditation reveals to you - that the whole of life is a beautiful play of energy.

The same energy is in the trees, in the stars, in the rivers, in the mountains, in you, in animals. It is the same energy dancing in different forms. We in the East have called it 'leela'. Leela means god's play.


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Sitting silently……..truth
doing nothing
spring comes
and the grass grows by itself.

You don’t have to do anything. Enlightenment is not your doing. And it is not a gift. You already are enlightened, just you have not looked in the right direction.

The difference between the enlightened being and the unenlightened is not much; it is negligible. One has looked into himself, the other has not looked into himself. This is not much of a difference. At any moment the other can also look into himself

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Act Consciously......................

Begin to be aware of anything
which ordinarily happens unconsciously,
for example - anger, jealousy, pride -
and your consciousness will be deepened.

Act consciously,........
even in day-to-day acts be conscious,
for example - walking, eating, talking -
and your consciousness will be expanded.

Be alert when thinking........
No thought should be allowed to pass unwitnessed.

And then, in the end, there is explosion
in which you become totally conscious
with no unconsciousness behind.......
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In your silent moments when you are sitting, or traveling in a train or in a plane, close your eyes and watch your breath. Going in, you go in with it; coming out, you come outward. As you go in, there is a small fragment of a moment when the breath stops before it starts moving outward. And once it has moved outward, for a split second the breathing stops again. These two points are very significant, because as you become more and more aware, these points will become more and more clear, longer
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