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To develop muscle strength, you can practice the following Yoga exercises once or twice a week before the classical Asanas. Good muscle strength is a good antidote against back problems, neck problems and all kinds of joint problems. Good muscle strength develops self confidence and courage.

Surya Namaskar for muscle strength: Navasana Variations for developing the abdominal muscles:
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How to develop Muscle Strength in Yoga

Yoga can help to develop muscle strength. Often Yoga is supposed to be good for flexibility, for coordination, for concentration, for relaxation. But you can also develop muscle strength.
Make sure you do postures which are demanding for your muscles. Hold them for about 10-30 seconds. Find out ways how you can make the postures more demanding for strength. Most important muscles to develop are:
- Thighs and buttocks through Vira Bhadrasana, Warrior Pose
- Abdominal Muscles through Navasana and ab
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Vayu, the Wind God


Today I uploaded a Video and photos of Vayu, the Wind God. Vayu is one of the main deities mentioned in the Vedas. His worship will help to quieten the mind and open the heart. Salutations to Vayu also means using the power of the mind in benevolent ways.
If today you notice your mind being unsteady, be aware that the movement of the mind is a divine manifestation.
If you have problems controling your mind, pray to the Lord to smoothen your thoughts.
If you feel your heart narrow, closed or suffer
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108 (Ekshwa Art Chetana)


There are a lot of people trying to understand the significance of the number 108. Often people will give a list of items that come in 108, but this doesn’t explain why 108 is sacred. A list gives no deeper understanding of why 108 is sacred, it only proves that people consider it sacred. As yogis and jyotishis, we need to understand the ‘why’ behind the principles of the ancient Rishis.

This article is published and copyrighted by the Jyotish Digest, Volume 4 Issue 2, New Delhi, 2005. The unq

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Swami Sivananda: Philosophy of Bhakti


Bhakti or devotion is indispensable for attainingjnana. Jnana is the condition necessary for bhakti to reach its fullestdevelopment in love. Knowledge without devotion is as futile as devotion withoutknowledge.

Love follows from the basic oneness of all beings. God isbeing. World is becoming. The creation of the world does not in any way affectthe integrity of God. The world does not stand apart from God, but is pervadedby him.

Bhakti is not mere emotionalism but is the turning
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Kali, Kali Mahakali, Adi Sakti Addya Sakti, Kripa Mahamaya, I owe thou art; my eternal mother, heavenly eternal love and bliss bless me with nirvikalpa Chetana, Dharana and sankalpa to be your niskalpa sadho. My beloved mother your name is sakara of praná, your sa-harsa name is the brahmo-Chetana of brahmanda. Oh! my beloved mother your name is the essence of jiva and a-jiva, bestow your eternal love to all.

100 Names of Maha Kali

Mahakali Jagadhatri (creator of the world)
Jaganmata ( mother of th

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Child Of The Sky

("Aurora Borealis" by Frederic Edwin Church)

I am a child
Of the Sky and the Stars
Loving and sweet as Venus
And fierce as Mars

I'm lucky as Jupiter
Each brand new day I
Bathe in a meteor shower
Under the Milky Way

Brothers and Sisters high
In a round of light
We paint the aurorae
On the canvas of the night

I am a child
Of the Sun and the Moon
I sustain the gull in flight
And soothe the crying loon

Porcupine petting - And
Rhinos meal at noon - Then it's
Off to the desert 'til the evening
Shift to shape the dunes

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Amma / Mata Amritanandamayi:

..."Service is also a form of sadhana. If you claim that you have attained
perfection after doing sadhana sitting in a certain place, Amma will not
accept that. Getting out into the world and doing service is very much a
part of sadhana. If we want to eliminate the enemies that lurk in the
innermost depths of the heart, we have to serve the world. Only then will webe
able to tell how effective our meditation has been. Only when someonegets
angry with us, will we know whether we still have anger in u
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What shall I be?

WHAT SHALL I BE?I have again and again grown like grass;I have experienced seven hundred and seventy moulds.I died from minerality and became vegetable;And from vegetativeness I died and became animal.I died from animality and became man.Then why fear disappearance through death?Next time I shall die, Bringing forth wings and feathers like angels:After that soaring higher than angels--What you cannot imagine.I shall be that! ~ Jalaludin Rumi
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How to Meditate - Guide to meditation

Swami Venkatesananda, disciple of Swami Sivananda wrote the following instruction for Meditation:

So many textbooks are available on meditation nowadays that everyone hassome idea of what it is all about. In brief, meditation is the most wonderful adventure: ‘Discovery of self’. Meditation enables us to enjoy consciously the peace, happiness and revitalisation that we unconsciously have in sleep. Meditation lifts us above the cares and anxieties of our daily life, it enables us to overcome our

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You can have perfection and immortality through long struggle. The mortal in therelative plane does good and evil acts. Evil also is a negative good. Out of evil, sometimes goodcomes. Everyone learns lessons in this world and evolves. God is only a witness. He does notmake men do evil acts. Man has intellect and free will. Man, out of his egoism, does actionsaccording to his own sweet will and reaps the fruits of evil actions. When the Sattvic material orpurity increases by practicing virtuous a
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Parama-Shiva (Tattava Jnâna)


I. Universal Principles

  1. Shiva (the Benevolent) - the masculine or consciousness aspect of the ultimate bipolar Reality.
  2. Shakthi (Power) - the feminine or power aspect of the ultimate bipolar Reality, which polarizes Consciousness into “I” (aham) and this (idam) or subject and object, but without separating them dualistically.
  3. Sadakhya (That which is named Being [sat] or Sada Shiva (Ever Benevolent - the transcendental will (iccha) that recognizes and affirms “I am this”, with the empha
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EVERYONE IS TALKING about pranayam — doing it and recommending it the others. What then is so good about this ancient art of breathing?

Pranayam, sure you know, combines parana, standing for life or life-force, and yama, for law or regulation. Combining these two, the word encapsulates the concept of the law for governance of life-force.

What is life-force? Though a delving matter for the mystics, parana can be explained as the charge that drives every bit of the living beings — in just the same w

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DO YOU MIND? Do I mind? Yes, we all do mind — isn’t so? So, let’s explore the mind.

Mind is the ultimate reservoir of life souvnirs or keepsakes. It reflects creation’s resonance, harmony and the constant flux of construction and obliteration. Mind is a contrivance of thought. It’s a dynamic processor that handles multiple reverberations of thought.

Mind doesn’t stimulate thought, but thought stimulates mind. A thought is a collective cluster of vibrations, which after being set as a cognizant, g

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AS WE ALL know, intelligence is astuteness of an individual. But let us see what lies beneath the casual awareness about intelligence. Let us first find out the segregation of this portfolio of intelligence. I shall both amalgamate quantum biophysics and classical biophysics to bring out an easier picture of the term intelligence.

In quantum segregation we will find three kinds of intelligence- Causal Intelligence (CI), Astral Intelligence (AI) and Logical Intelligence (LI). Today we will only un

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This unusual article by Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh was originally published in Bhavan’s Journal in May of 1959

It would be easy to dismiss the question by saying: “Yes, after a prolonged period of intense austerities and meditation, while I was living in Swargashram, and when I had the darshan of a number of maharshis and their blessings, the Lord appeared before me in the form of Sri Krishna.”

But that would not be the whole truth, nor a sufficient answer to a question relating to God, who is i

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One with you, One With Him!

We've never seen each other before
And yet you locked my eyes with yours
So pure and unblemished you are
That I can't stand anylonger
Because I'm not as pure as you are

Who are you?
Are you an angel sent to cleanse my soul?
Yes, you are my Ganges!
Let me drown myself in your love and compassion
So that I'm one with you!
And be one with the One who had sent you!
Happy Holi festival to all of you!
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This is a Lecture transcript of the spiritual discourse given by a saint at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

I request all of you to close your eyes and concentrate on the beautiful verses from the ancient scriptures in glorification of the Supreme and thereafter I will begin my talk.

Eternal seekers of divine bliss!

The subject for the talk today is very challenging and very controversial. To discuss a subject like this in just a period of one hour is a herculean task before me. Nevertheless, I ass

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