exercise (6)

Yoga exercises: Virasana

Virasana means the hero pose. it is very useful for those, who are interested in meditation, because it helps to increase concentration. it Improves digestion and relieves gas,Therapeutic for high blood pressure and asthma & it is specially useful for ladies during in pregnancy & menopause.......

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Yoga exercises: Chair pose

Yoga is really about creating balance in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. This is done through the performance of poses or postures, each of which has specific physical benefits. The poses can be done quickly in succession, creating heat in the body through movement or more slowly to increase stamina and perfect the alignment of the pose. The poses are a constant, but the approach to them varies depending on th
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Yoga poses

The physical benefits of yoga are outnumbered. Yoga keeps your body strong, as it involves all the muscles in your body to hold and balance yoga asanas (poses). The various yoga postures strengthen your feet, legs, hands, abdominal, lower back, legs, and shoulders..........
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Yoga for health

Yoga is the most effective ways of maintaining healthier life. A large number of people prefer to spend a little time as possible on an exercise routine or yoga. Inertia is one of the fundamental laws of nature, and the tendency of not doing any effort for the maintenance of health is very wide spread.......
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What is yoga?

Yoga means, union. its a union of a self consciousness & universal consciousness.
it contains three main branches: yoga poses,pranayama (rhythemic breathing) & meditation.
by following all disciplines of yoga with proper guidance of qualified teacher one can get healthy & long life,flexible &strong body, calmness & peace of mind & eternel bliss.
so practice yoga daily & get full benefit of your life.....
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Yoga exercises

Yoga exercise is an ancient indian therapy to healthy living. it is a vast branch containing yoga postures, pranayama (controlling the breath). hatha yoga (power yoga) & a lot more.
regular & gradual yoga practice with right guidance, heals & controls your body, mind & soul. it is also done for attaining higher spiritual goals.........
so check out it for the details http://yogaexercise.blogspot.com/2010/10/yoga-exe
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