Du hast schon immer Schwierigkeiten gehabt, in den Handstand zu kommen oder ihn zu halten? Kein Problem, lass dir von Narayani, einer unserer beliebtesten Asana Lehrerinnen zeigen, wie du ganz einfach mit Hilfe der Wand lernen kannst in den Handstand
One more question I received via Email:
"maybe you know the reason why in different "styles" of yoga the names of the asanas change: like Dhanurasana is sometimes bow floor pose or the full wheel... or child'r pose: balasana or barankasana...
Wir haben ein spezielles Video gedreht für mit Anweisungen, die alles was wichtig ist um erfolgrich zu meditieren.
Om shanti Eduard
Hi folks,
Yoga Vidya Podcast is now avalible as Internet Radio.
Just klick on http://yogavidyasatsang.radio.de/
Than you can listen to a seminar given by Sukadev.
Enjoy listening
Eduard Heinrich Alfons Jolmes
I received another question via Email:
"what do you think about using Ujayi breath or bhandas during the daily asanas? because what i would day is that ujayi and bhandas are advanced practices and i would only use them in the right envoriment...."
Undoubtedly health defines quality our life and destiny.
It is known, that the person represents not only a physical body, but also a spiritual substance (Spirit, Soul). Ancient east philosophies represent a spirit substance in more details, in the fo
I had a wonderful weekend with my kids, truly what I needed. We went up north did some horseback riding and fishing. Just being in the woods , refreshed me. I feel so much better. Then I came home and my computer crashed. I will have it fixed as soon
I am wondering: Does the current economy crisis effect the number of participants in Yoga Classes? How is it in your courses/your Center/your city/your country?
Mantras are words of power used in Meditation, for recitation, for chanting. Usually I am told Mantras should be recited in Sanskrit.
I noticed that some Indian teachers pronounce Mantras in Hindi, some in Bengali. And the Sikh Mantras in the 3HO Kun
There are so many ways world wide to become a Yoga Teacher.
I have taken a 4-week-intensive course with Yoga Vidya in Germany.
I would be interested how others are becoming teachers.
I am especially interested whether there is any form of government
Yogis in India usually recommend dairy products. Dairy leads to birth of new cows and is part of the meat industry.
Is it ok to have dairy products? What is your opinion?
I usually like doing Asanas during my period/menstruation. It really helps, relaxes and energizes me to do my Asanas then.
I hear that some Yoga teachers say you should not do any Asanas or at least no inverted postures during your period.
What is yo
Stop by One Earth ~ One People ~ One Chance network and visit and join our group " Help STOP Child Slavery / Trafficking" so that we may all work together to help stop the H
Some of my Yoga students find headstand extremely helpful in curing headstand. Some say it is increasing headache.
Do you have any idea in what type of headaches/Yoga students headstand is helpful, in in which not? So far I work on trial and error ..
I have a friend ,who suffers from MS. Her condition is getting worst,and her muscles are getting weaker and weaker,so that she sometimes needs help to walk. How can yoga help her?
I have students with thyroid gland problems. One has a problem with Hashimoto, another one has increased size of thyroid gland, one has lack of thyroid hormons.
In most classical Yoga books (like those of Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnu-devananda) s