The Law of Attraction
applies when you feel grateful. It works by picking up the frequency at
which your thoughts travel and bounces the same energy right back at
you. If you harbor negative feelings about something, you will generate
more of those
The basic Structural & functional unit of the human body is "Cell".Clusters of cells make Organs & groups of organs form a body.For the existence of life proper function of these organs are mandatory.The necessary energy for the functions of organs i
Recently I had gone through one Yoga Book written by a famous Yoga therapist & renowned Yoga Teacher from south India.In this book the Author insisted on the use of Human urine as a remedy for various ailments from minor allergic reactions to life th
I'v come across many discussion here on the issue of whether to be a vegetarian is mandatory for a person practicing Yoga. Here I'd like to present a page from "Thirukkural" which has been accepted universally as a guide of Ethical rules,written by
Please guide to me about bandhas like uddhiyana bandha, jalandra bandhas only i know told about all bandhas and then how to practiced properly, i am waiting for your reply
What I come to understand about Kriyoga is as below.
“Sampurna Kriyayoga Kriya Brahmarupam Kriya,
Sampurna Aadhar Shiva Shakti Kriya Vedarupam Kriya”
Kriyayoga is basically a “Tantra” through which a Kriyayogi gets his internal powe
i asking for help , i want to know about my spiritual future,
i got sick after calling for the devil, i was very healty before i had this stupid ideia, i got sick instantly after call the devil, (i was trying to fool to devil making he believe im
It has generally been accepted that Swamy Dharshan in a Temple on a particular day or on a day of a specific Nakshram would bring much blessings to a Devotee.What could be the fact behind it?
Is it cauz we have never been told frm the birth that we have been identified with our body all the time right from the begining? can any1 answer, me?
Will there b a deffrence if a child is made to understand that its not his body he is "ATMAN""?