Yoga (552)

Yogasth Bhava

Yogasth bhava
I am going to tell you something about the upcoming course that is Yogasth Bhava, which is known as Yogasth Foundation course.

What is this Yogasth foundation course?
What are the benefits?
Who should do it?
What is the ultimate purpose?
Know the state of your nature, inherent nature, your savbhava
How you can stay centered all the time?
How you can stay in bliss all the time while engaging in worldly activities?


  • What is the core/what are the crux doing Yogasth Foundation cou
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This is a ‘Basic’ Online Course on Science of Spirituality, Reincarnation, Karma and Past Life Regression.

To get familiar with

The Science of Spirituality,
The Science/reason behind Reincarnation and purpose of Reincarnation,
Learning all about Karma
Different types of karma
Law of Karma
How Karma Operates?
Get rid of your negative behavior patterns, fears, phobias and many unexplained eve

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If you are a yoga studio owner and constantly looking for the best ways to get a constant and persistent flow of customers for your offerings then we at Viral Grow have the best yoga studio marketing strategies for you. Moreover, our strategies don't come only on pen and paper it comes with a certain proof of concept as we have tried these strategies for yoga teachers and health coaches who are based in India & Abroad.

Read more about it at -

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At times in life , we are at the beginning of something new & the challenges start dropping in swiftly . A person has started learning walking with such difficulty and is forced by destiny to run .

My family business involved giving plants on rental and maintaining them at offices , shops and verandahs . Of course labor was involved & dealing with them meant lowering myself to survival consciousness a lot of times . In a certain way , this has been a means of God to return my consciousness to the

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Quest For Depth by ” Aatmanum”

In the darkest of the pits, we all need something/someone to hold onto.

May be that is the quest for depth.

In the brightest of the galaxies, we all need something/someone closest to share our joy with. May be that is the quest for depth.

In the weakest of the sentiments, we all need something/someone to lean onto.

In the most blissful moments, we all, still need someone to sit besides.

May be that is the quest for depth.

In the chaotic flow of thoughts, we

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Reiki Master Healer Course

Reiki Master Healer Course with Yogi Buddhadeva

You would have heard from your parents that a  person can understand parenthood only when that person brings up a  child. This shows the importance of experience. Yogi  Buddhadeva has had very intense spiritual events in his childhood and was extremely mature for his age. Even today  I  have the perception that as the film terminator, he too is a  man of the future who has come back in time to save humanity from annihilation.

This is so because his p

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Vriksasana word has taken from the Sanskrit word “vrisks” which means tree and “asana” means yogic posture. While, performing Vriksasana it gives the true feeling of Tree standing. Tree Pose is a balancing yoga pose. It is one of the easiest yoga asanas to perform and popular in modern yoga as exercise.

Benefits of Tree Pose:

• Tree pose stretches the thigh, Shoulders, and groins.
• Doing Tree Pose regular builds strength in our body.
• It tones the abdominal muscles.
• It calms and relaxes the cen

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Why do we say Namaste ?

The word “ namaskar (नमस्कार) has been derived from the Sanskrit word Namah”नम:” that means paying salutation to others. Namaste is a Vedic Hindu greet and more traditional way of showing respect to others even today. By bringing the palms together before the face or chest and bowing to elders.NamasteThe importance of Namaste Yoga has a ton to do than the standard Namaste welcome. On the off chance that you need to profit by the word Namaste, at that point you need to think about a lot of things
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Our Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh will help you in developing your yoga practice and knowledge to require your yoga teaching to a superior level. The 200-Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh, 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training, 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh , Ayurveda and, Meditation Courses are iintended to extend your yoga practice and increment purposeful and careful way to deal with Yoga.

Rishikesh Yog Mandir Yoga Courses in Rishikesh offer the opportunity to learn yoga and its

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Rishikesh: The place to learn yoga ?


Yoga is said to bring good health and happiness. Yoga has many healing effects on a person that are brought forth without the use of any medications and any other form of treatment. Many people join a yoga training course either for health benefits or to pursue their careers as yoga instructors/teachers.


Where to pursue yoga teacher training:

India has several beautiful destinations well suited for yoga teachers training courses such as Goa, Dharamsala, and

Rishikesh. Rishikesh's town presents an

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Top Benefits of regular practice of Pranayama

There are enormous health benefits of Pranayama. As we know pranayama is a breathing exercise which expand the Prana energy (Life Driven force) in our body. If you practice pranayama on regular basis then you can notice following pranayama benefits on your body, mind and Soul level.

Benefits of Pranayama:-

Pranayama benefits on your body:-

  • Improve immune system of your body
  • Improve texture and glow on your skin
  • Reduce sleep requirement of your body
  • High energy and motivation in life
  • Better digestion an
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The Top Yoga Poses For Better Sleep

If you are not getting a good night sleep then there are chances that you are ageing too fast. As you sleep your bodies regenerates itself on the cellular level and eliminate toxins from the body hence it is necessary to take at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep for your wellbeing. People who feel trouble in sleeping feels more stressed and restless the next day. According to a study people who feel trouble in sleeping are more prone to stress and anxiety.

Yoga and sleep

But don’t despair a good night s

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Yoga is not just about performing workouts in different postures and squatting in different ways to deep breathe. But you have already known that by now if you have been a part of the 200-hour course in yoga training with us. 

Yoga is a way of living which is all about fun, health and at the same time, a little bit of discipline, all of which lead to tremendous results in your life from your work to your personal life. And the good news is that there is no end to how much you can learn. The horiz

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For living a healthy and stress-free life, then we must have added Yoga and do some physical work in our daily life. If you are thinking to do yoga, there are different types of yoga which you can perform in the morning and evening as per your convenience.

By joining Rishikesh Yog Mandir one of the most famous yoga school in Rishikesh. Our yoga teaching process associated with traditional and ancient Yoga. There are different stages, postures in Yoga Course for the betterment of the body. Yoga at

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How to start a home yoga practice?

9078804465?profile=originalOne of the best aspects of yoga is that you don’t need loads of equipment to start your practice. As long as you are committed towards your practice yoga is accessible and it is inexpensive too. Although there are lots of perks of practicing yoga at a studio like there will a someone to observe you always and you got to meet a lot of practitioners. Also, you will learn a variety of yoga sequence and that is something one shouldn’t ignore.
However, sometimes getting ready and drive all the way th

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Urdhva Mukha Savasana is literally derived from a Sanskrit word Urdhva means upward, mukha means the face and svan translated as a dog. This yoga pose literally resembles like a dog stretching upwards hence it got this name. Urdhva Mukha Savasana is an easy back bending yoga pose that works great on the strengthening of arms, wrist and shoulder.

Urdhva Mukha Savasana is very similar to cobra pose with the only difference is that cobra pose the entire lower body touches the floor and make a deep b

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The body requires quality rest to recharge itself. However, it is important to remember that there is a difference between rest and sleep. Yoga can be helpful in providing quality rest to the body which will keep it fresh and charged for a longer time. This in turn may reduce the need to sleep frequently or take power naps every now and then.
There are also a few yoga poses for sleep disorders and insomnia that helps in getting quality sleep and deep relaxation. Some of the are:
Ujjayi Pranay

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Flexibility is one of the key benefits of practicing yoga. As we age our body starts losing its flexibility and improper posture, stress and sedentary lifestyle added more to it. If you are someone who is looking to increase your flexibility then you don’t have to look further apart from the yoga. Gaining flexibility has a huge benefit as it improves joint health, provides a greater range of movement and prevents back pain and other bodies ache. Although there is a huge misconception about yoga

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You cannot underestimate the role that workout plays in our world today. And with the increasing awareness of the need of physical as well as mental well-being, a growing number of people are stepping out of the gym and embracing a new way of life, complete with workout poses, breathing techniques, eating habits and other such practices, contributing to a better and more effective way of living: yoga.

Once a craze among a small portion of Indians, today this exercise form has reached different pa

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Vedic Yoga Academy offers 50, 100 and 200-hour yoga Nidra teacher training courses in India and Nepal under the guidance of our highly experienced and skilled yoga Nidra trainers, but before joining our yoga Nidra training course it is important to learn what is yoga Nidra or yogic sleep and what are the benefits and advantages of yoga Nidra.

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is an ancient yogic sleep practice where a yoga Nidra practioner remains between the state o

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