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Whether you are a new yoga teacher or planning to become one, there is always something new to know about this sacred art. When you plan to become a yoga teacher, there is a lot you have to learn and practice. From understanding the Sanskrit language, yoga asana sequence, to building yourself as a brand, it might be a bit overwhelming for you. It is why you should enroll in a certified yoga teacher training course to learn all these skills.

With that said, there are a few things that you should k

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Yoga, the ancient art of uniting your body and mind has helped millions unlock their true self. This ancient art has transitioned to a global phenomenon owing to its numerous benefits. Daily yoga practice offers you benefits including decreased risk of mental and physical health problems. Add to that, there are a variety of yoga styles like Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga among others. One of these is the chakra yoga for beginners that helps you dive deeper into your being.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word

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Everything You Should Know About 200 Hour YTT

Are you ready to transition from a yoga practitioner to a certified instructor? Becoming a yoga teacher requires a serious commitment of time and efforts. A majority of yoga practitioners choose to start with the basic 200 hour yoga teacher training course. However, there is much more you have to learn when it comes to becoming an RYT 200.

For starters, a 200 hour yoga teacher training program includes lessons on yoga asanas and body adjustments, yoga philosophy, meditation, and yoga anatomy. How

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No matter what you achieve or gain in life, if you lack mental balance, you will never have overall wellness. In today’s world, mental unrest could leave you off balance. Moreover, the Covid 19 timelines have filled everyone with fear, agony, and sadness. All this reflects on other relationships as well as your personal health.

The least you can do to enhance your overall being is to practice meditation. Let’s go through different reasons why you should practice meditation for overall well being.

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Doshas in Ayurveda: A Guide For Beginners

Ayurveda has a history of being one of the oldest medicinal and holistic approach to a healthy life. With a focus on living and eating habits, Ayurveda offers complete body healing. The center point of Ayurveda revolves around five elements: space, water, earth, fire, and air. A combination of one or more elements forms doshas in Ayurveda.

The following are the three primary doshas in Ayurveda. Check them out.

  • Vata

  • Pitta

  • Kapha


Characteristics of Different Doshas in Ayurveda

Anyone can determine their

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People these days hate themselves more than they hate each other. Reason? Well, unfavorable conditions and circumstances made them believe that only they are at fault. So, the reaction is that you end up hating and having negative opinions about yourself. What to do then to stop all this? All you need to do is develop self-compassion.

Let’s first understand what is self-compassion. Then, you’ll read about how to develop self-compassion while practicing yoga. Roll further without any delay.

What is

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Do you face difficulty in falling asleep? If yes, you might be suffering from insomnia. In that case, you can give Yoga Nidra for insomnia a try. But before you move on to practicing yoga Nidra for insomnia, you should know what hamper your sleep.

Thus, you can get rid of various causes of sleeplessness. This enhances the effect of yoga practice to help you feel a lot better. Let’s first learn about various causes of insomnia, sleeplessness, and other sleep issues.

Causes of Insomnia or Other Slee

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yoga is a way of life




9124358073?profile=RESIZE_400xIt is like a supernatural sequence that may help to bring together body, mind & soul to build a strong and healthy body immune system.

Benefits include; increasing strength, flexibility, respiration, energy, and vitality.

Also helps to manage stress, pressure, anxiety keeping you confident, relaxed and peaceful.

Suggested Poses; mountain/one leg, triangle, standing/sitting forward bend, downward dog, cat/cow/table, lo

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Yoga today is no longer a set of poses you calmly do lying down on a mat. With the increasing popularity it has received over the years, this is no longer a form of workout but a way of living for overall physical and mental wellbeing.

Yes, today yoga is hyped, especially among the stressed-out who long to get a hold on their fast life. So, if you are one among them, then you are on the right page. The Yoga School in Rishikesh is committed to helping you achieve this.

Here, you don’t just become a

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Health benefits of Yoga

Staying fit is something which everybody wants in their day to day lives. We all want to stay fit but let us be honest who loves to work hard for it. Nobody loves to leave their comfort zone and work. Many at times people are so busy in their lives that they lack of proper care to the body which ultimately results them in various health problems. You can buy Soma online subscription from soma fitness studio to get yourself into various forms of body workout to stay fit.
Health problems which ar

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Yoga Retreat Nepal

Namaste and welcome to Nepal Yoga Retreat Centre, a brand new Yoga, Meditation and Ayurvedic retreat center run by Award-winning Yoga teachers, inside the Kathmandu valley. We are also a certified Yoga teachers training center with Yoga Alliance

Yoga retreat Nepal
is a sanctuary tucked in the green hills of the Kathmandu valley, surrounded by temples. A center where you will find, simple and wholesome organic food, Sanatam yoga, mantra chanting, yoga philosophy explained, and guided meditation.

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With the Covid-19 that began earlier this year followed by the subsequent lockdown in major continents of the world, life came to a standstill. While our office work shifted to “work from home” and physical classes became “online classes”, something that we all missed doing was keeping ourselves fit.

Our routine of hitting the gym or attending physical yoga classes came to a halt, and we all were stranded at home, trying to figure out how to keep one fit. But, with everything shifting to “online

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Halasana is the unique form of asana in yoga that implants a lot of health-related benefits. The Plough Pose is another name of Halasana. The name Halasan is derived from Sanskrit words – Hala means Plough and Asana, means Pose. The name Halasana comes after combining these two words. The asana also looks a lot like a plough, so in the English translation of this Halasana, is The Plough Pose. Halasana has a lot of health-related benefits, which we are going to discuss here.

Health Benefits of Hal

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Divine Energy Life Coaching

Divine energy life coaching also is known as Yogasth life coaching is a unique training program for individuals to develop one’s potentials, sharpen one’s skills, and talents and manage one’s life more effectively. Life coaching as we know is gaining currency worldwide as more and more people are seeking excellence in one or more areas of life. No doubt modern life coaching methods help one reach one’s goals, gain clarity in life about what you want and of course provi

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(Higher vibrational sound healing)

Sound is the primary source of energy of the universe. We call it Brahmnaad. Sound heals us in all aspects of our being physical, mental ,emotional and spiritual. Sound is used in various cultures all over the world for thousands of years as a tool for healing. Music and many of the musical instruments are great tools of healing. Mantras, specially Sanskrit mantras are very powerful and efficient in providing healing, peace and harmony. Sound healing at a deeper

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Deeksha is a special ceremony in which a Guru initiates a student to evolve and empowers him/her to unfold his potentials to move in the direction of his very purpose in life. Also, a particular Deeksha graces one to have those power, wisdom, and tools needed most by the student. An accomplished master or Guru transfers the energy and impacts the consciousness of the student to follow the path to realize his goal/ purpose. Deeksha is actually a ritualized blessing to the student by the Guru.


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Empower your mind - Boost up your brain

Sumedha Shakti Sadhna as revealed and propounded by Yogi Buddhadeva is a scientific yogic technique comprising of modified pranayama, meditation and other kriyas for the Youth of today especially students and professionals. By practicing this kriya one can boost up one’s brainpower, oxygenate the brain cells (neurons)at the optimum levels and can charge the whole nervous system with pranic energy. This specially designed meditative technique/kriya brings ha

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A powerful system of higher yogic and meditative kriyas best suited for modern times which promises

 Perfect health      Peace of mind     Blissful living   

The Kriya Yoga , Kundalini Yoga and other branches of yoga are independently recognized and taught all over the world .Yogi Buddhadeva , the propounder and expounder of Sri Yogasth Vidya—the Supreme science of yoga and the ultimate key to bring out the infinite and unfold the powerful being within you . He brings to the people of this age the

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Past Life Regression is a dynamic approach that helps in accessing and recalling the reflections of this life or past lives in order to have an appreciative and thoughtful understanding of some physical, emotional disorders which are at times very unsolvable and very difficult to describe. Past life regression helps us to have an understanding of certain relationships that are intense and truly emotional but very troublesome at times. The evident notion behind this popular and effective practice

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Our Teacher Training Course delivers a comprehensive, theoretical and practical hands-on training program. Trainees emerge from our TTC as confident teachers with a strong and solid teaching skill set ready to begin their careers.

Alongside developing the art of teaching, trainees also gain a comprehensive understanding of the practice of yoga asanas, philosophy, physiology, adjusting, mantra chanting, chakras, anatomy, Ayurveda, mudras, pranayama and meditation, and other traditional and contemp

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