I have started to do Pranayama: Kapaalbhati and Anuloma Viloma.... Some one suggested me start with 5 mins each... But I couldn't do it for more than 2-3 minutes each... Is it healthy to start with 2-3 mins and then gradually increase to 15 mins as s
Can you please suggest some asanas to reduce hours of sleep.I sleep too much,Whatever worries I have in life despite of that sleep is very natural minimum 8 hour, but I am loosing time to Live and to accomplish...
When in the lotus position, must your knees touch the ground and are you allowed to lean your body forward (while keeping your spine straight)? thanks.
This question was answered by a few of our facebook fans - do you have any other suggestions?
A student asked this question: can you suggest some asanas for a good sleep? Some of our facebook friends gave these answers - do you have any other ideas? Sidnei: Savasana is perfect for a good start!
OM I've just completed 3 1/2 weeks of teaching at Yoga Vidya - both in Bad Meinberg and have noticed how people are having more and more trouble sitting - probably as a result of the amount of time we spend at computers nowadays.
how to avoid getting lower back pain while doing yoga,av no previous history of back pain,only smtimes after doing yoga i develop bk pain,how to avoid.can i do flow yga if i aav a weak back?
A student had this question: What adjustments should I make to avoid lower back pain after a standing “forward fold”? Our facebook friends had some answers - do you have any advice to share?
Ayurveda is a way of life. it is not a mere medical system.Yoga is a path to unite body with divine soul. It is Moksha.Ayurveda prevents the the disease and treats the disease.
I would like more information on meditation.. I have avoidance
personality disorder ( really just a severe form of social phobia with
panic attacks) would really like to learn how to control my thoughts..
I'm doing yoga now at home mostly through you
How to increase body heat if person feels cold permanently? This is a good question - do you have any other ideas besides these presented by some of our facebook friends?
Nitin: Drink lukewarm water and take tablet of shilajeet and makardhwaj and "chy
What is good to do to help focus my eyes in the morning after I wake up? This questions was asked, and answered, by some of our facebook readers. Maybe you have some other ideas?
Victoria: there was a video in the web of yoga vidya with excersices for
"Do you think that practice of yoga in a surface like a mattress instead of floor, could be really dangerous for the spine? Can someone tell me if I can have any serious problem in my back for practising in a soft surface?" Excellent questions asked
How to reduce body heat in a natural way?
This is a good question posed by one of our Facebook friends, do you
have any other suggestions besides the following?
Sharadha: drinking tender coconut water reduces body heat naturally