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mantra diet

THE Mantra Diet:True Wealth and HealthLoose Karmic weightFeasting on EnlightenedSOUND!AS THE FIRE OF DIGESTIONBURNS UP FOODINTO ENERGY,THE MIND DIGESTSThe etherial SoundsFROM THE WORDSTHAT WE cast & SPELL.Mantras are sacred SOUND VIBRATIONSand yes all Words are also INFUSEDWith CONDENSE into our Thoughts andMANIFEST OUR perception ofall Planes of Awareness.THIS ISTHE INTERNAL SECRETBEHIND/WithinnTHE SCIENCEOF MANTRA YOGA.Now in the foundation of Truth,Our Reel Hellth Cry-I-Sisis
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God Is All

God is all that we can imagine him to be,And he can be just beyond that imagination.He can be gentler than the gentlest breeze,And more fierce than the hurricane.He is the Lord of creation,But is also a lady.He is simpler than the simplest,But more complex than complicated.Smaller than the smallest,Yet larger than the largest.Closer than the closest,But further than the farthest.Friend to a friend,Father to a child,Wife of a husband,And husband to a wife.Wiser than the wisest,Yet innocence at it
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You are what your deep driving desire is.As your desire is, so your will. As your will is,So your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.5)Most of us are familiar with the law of attraction. It has been debated around the world and put into practice by many. There have even been whole workshops devoted to just this law and we’ve found that it works for some, but not others. Why is this so?A law is absolute. If it is a law, it should work for everyone. Right? There
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Swamiji told us if we could ever feel for even a "second" the peace He has felt in meditation His work or (His life) then it was worth it.He said, the whole struggle was to be able to focus the mind.He said, when He was in Rishikesh with Master Sivananda he never missed Satsang. Dr. Sivananda Advaryhoo, the greatest Karma Yogi master has produced also always went to Satsang. When Swamiji was alive in his Ashram all the staff and Swamis' went if not He would ask were you were. Watch and see what
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Costa Rica: Zen Yoga Studio Yoga Studio combina de manera congruente la ideología Zen y la disciplina del Yoga.Zen Yoga Studio respeta las creencias, credo e intenciones de cada persona en su práctica y así crea un ambiente de libertad, tranquilidad, armonía y aceptación.El studio está abierto a todas aquellas personas que deseen establecer una conexión con su verdadera esencia, así como para los que solo desean experimentar algo nuevo, divertido y relajante...
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The Bali Buzzzzzzzz

We’ve just returned from Bali, having done some research for our upcomingYoga and Meditation Retreat on June 3rd to the 13th. ( Island of the Gods was wonderful and welcoming, clothed in a warm mist, occasionally interrupted by torrential monsoon showers and rays of sunshine. This is the way of the rainy season which lasts from Oct through March.Each visit, we explore and discover curiosities which I’m sure will both interest and delight you. Here are some of our latest disc
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*Love Now

On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark. But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground. An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light. It is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up.You won't see us on the T.V. You won't read about us in the newspaper..You won't hear about us on the radioWe don't seek any glory. We don't wear any uniform.We come in
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Swami Vishnu's Teacher Training Program !!!

Swamiji said Master Sivananda gave the knowledge to Him and He gave it to us." Swamiji wanted us to practice as there were enough Preachers in the world. Swamiji would always do Asana & Pranayama whenever he got mad at the Ashram, so you can imagine He was pretty good !!! His own practice in the cave was to do Pranayame 0600, 1200,1800, & 2400 for 2 hours at a time. They called Him Swami "Monkeyman" as He always had pets/monkeys in the Ashram. Swami Chidananda once pretended to lift up a rock to
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Lectures of Swami Vishnu etc.

978 Tracks of and about everything Swami Vishnu said He could talk about Yoga for 6000 years ! Master Sivananda started out under a tree doing Hari nam, after a few years there were problems and he stated He wanted everyone to learn all the Yoga's. He usually would do the Maha mantra when invited out into the public as there are no rules. Swami Vishnu didn't have a "singing voice " but Master Sivananda would have Swamiji chanting at the railway station at 0530 in the morning, Swamiji never felt
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ACHINTYA MEDITATION gives you something that nothing else can:It introduces you to yourself on all levels.Meditation will bring you: Peace of mind, calmness, and a sense of well beingBetter relationships, better health, and a better lifePersonal, philosophical, and spiritual insightsThe direct experience of your eternal center of beingThe benefits of meditation are your birthright, whether you are Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Taoist, follow some other religi
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